The building will eventually end and you get to have fun! Okay, never mind there is always something or some mod that you will want to do. :) The flying will make it worth it, trust me!
I remember thinking I was a week away from being done and it took well over a month to do all the little things like check flight control deflection, engine compression check, mag timing etc. it’s seemingly never stops, but one day you will run out of things to check and you’ll be ready for inspection.
I had a bit of an opposite experience. I had a list of what had to be completed. At the end of each day I would scratch off what I had left to do. One day I unexpectedly scratched the last thing off the list. It was a bit surreal. No one was around. I drove home and told my wife I was done. Bitter sweat.
So I keep feeling like it’s almost ready for the DAR, THEN ITS LIKE a few hundred more hours lol!
It’s the checking items off the list that is the reward to a builder. It will be done when it is done.
Haste makes waste as I always rationalized (and it took me 8 years to build my 6A).
I had a bit of an opposite experience. I had a list of what had to be completed. At the end of each day I would scratch off what I had left to do. One day I unexpectedly scratched the last thing off the list. It was a bit surreal. No one was around. I drove home and told my wife I was done. Bitter sweat.

The loneliness of being a builder. Almost every day we do something that we are proud we did and typically there is no one there to show it to.
The loneliness of being a builder. Almost every day we do something that we are proud we did and typically there is no one there to show it to.
You've got us - post pictures of your work and we'll tell you that you are awesome! (Phil, I know you are flying! But for anyone else, it's a great feeling to fly an aircraft that you build in your garage)
Rest assured Chipper, you're never done :D

Following that 1st flight, you'll have a long list of todos... just the fact of flying your pride and joy will give birth to new todos, improvement or maintenance related... never done, such is life :eek:

build in your garage
Thought they were called homebuilt ;)