
Well Known Member
I'm in the final countdown of my build; just final touches with interior, and going through Van's acceptance procedure. In cleaning up my parts area, I found a small plastic bag, unlabeled, with five small, 1K ohms resisters. What is this?? I am not even sure what kit it came in. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

One more bit of help would also be appreciated. I'm installing the Koger Sunshade. How close to the rear canopy frame did you guys start, when attaching the channel. I was considering about 2 inches. That would still lleave me about 14 inches of forward view with the Sunshade all the way forward, and I don't think that the 2 inches behind me would be missed. Your thoughts??


My shade cover is 1.5 inches in front of the handle and works for me. Of course that all depends on how tall you sit in the seat. Sorry, I can't help with your other question.
Those resistors came with one of your Dynon boxes. They are included as part of the Dynon factory connector kit. They are not used in the RV-12. I assume vans incorporated everything in the wiring harness.
Thanks Guys

I'll quit worrying about the resisters and 1 1/2 inches forward of the rear frame sounds good for a starting point for the shade rail.

sun shade

Mine is about 2 inches forward it is great just make sure you get the curve to match the canopy very closely and make sure you clean the contact points properly before sticking it on I also marked where it was going with a marker on the outside of the canopy to help with getting it on straight
I started with my Koger shade track a couple of inches forward of the canopy arch and ended up moving it right up to the arch because the sunlight coming through the gap was so annoying. I live in Phoenix, so it was an issue.