I put it in my -9A (still under construction). No problems at all but took a bit of head scratching. I am 6?4? and like a lot of recline. I think the mod is very worthwhile.

I am building a tip up and one thing to note. There is an after-after market design that accommodates tip ups which includes a lateral torque tube running across the cabin behind the SS seat back bar over to the right side canopy latch. Clever, but not elegant or robust IMHO. And it includes a lot of additional linkages. Anyway, I deleted all that and went with an independent second canopy latch on the RH side. Lighter and much simpler.

PM me if you want pictures.

I installed in my 9A with a tip up during construction. I think I've posted these pics before, but here you go. I used the instructions posted on their site. Some of the bolts in the pics were temporary and only used for lining it up. They have been replaced with the correct aviation bolts.
I bought the kit for install in my 9A just after I got mine flying, with the intent of installing it during my first annual condition inspection - but by the time that day came around I already had 120 hours in the airplane and decided I liked it just the way it was and didn't need it.
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Lots of good info!

I've located a builder (building) and a built (flying) '9 & '7 close to me. I'm hoping to see what they have done and do a 'test sit'.

Still like the idea of a little extra room
Van's Opinion?


Did you get a response from Van's on their opinion of this mod? The old crossbar looks to be engineered with significant strength in the joint where it is removed.

Anyone else have conversation with Van's on this?

RV 9 seat mod

I talked with VANs support and they were non committal pro or con but "reading between the lines" I got the impression it was not something they would do. I can see why - they didn't engineer it that way or test it.

I did meet with an RV owner and did a test sit and for me there was more than enough room - I'm 6'1 and he is taller. shoulder room was tight but head room and panel reach were good.

Based on that I decided to stick with the original design.
I am not an engineer, but I did this mod during the build and I think it is much stronger than the original seat back rest that it replaces. I can stand on this SS support. I am happy with the way it came out.