
Hello all!

I own a RV-9A and have been considering the “Almost a 14” seat mod since I first went under contract in April. I’m 6’3” with long arms and I have to bend my wrist/hand inward while hand flying… not very comfortable.

I am in the Orlando, FL area. Any recommendations for where I can get this done by someone who has done this mod before? I have spoken to a few A&Ps in the area, but no one will give me an actual quote. So far it’s been, “leave it with us for a week and we’ll get it done”, likely costing a few thousand dollars to install at least. My understanding is that it should be pretty simple and quick to install.

Willing to fly it somewhere within a few hours to have the job done right. Thanks in advance for any recommendations!
Previous owner installed the “almost a 14” mod. I’m not tall enough for it to be helpful to me, but my son is 6’ 5”. It definitely makes a difference.

Just a thought….IMHO the Supertracks canopy extension is even more useful than the AA14 and installing both at the same would be efficient.
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I put a shelf over the baggage compartment and love it. It’s used on almost every flight. If it wasn’t for the shelf, I would have installed supertracks instead of selling it.

Watch the video. I have a tip up -7 which requires a little more creative solution.

Drill out a dozen rivets, cut the bar in half to remove. Trim the center bit at a 45 degree angle. Fit the 3 caps and rivet them in. Fit the new bar and aside from a few screws you are mostly done.