MikeJ 7A

Active Member
This was really easy to do!
If you agree with AAAA's stance then please take a couple of minutes to make your voice heard!


Alliance for Aviation Across America - Alert!

We Need Your Help!

Congress has reached a critical stage in drafting a bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) right now. The big airlines lobbyists have been relentless in their efforts to influence Members and staff and now there is a draft bill in the Senate NOW that includes this harmful ?user fees? proposal.

This ?user fee? tax proposal would levy a huge tax hike onto small businesses, farmers and towns across America that depend upon small planes. Not only that, according to news reports, this sweetheart deal would increase the fuel tax, yet the big airlines would walk away with a huge tax cut.

Your Senators will play an important role in deciding NOW whether to include ?user fees? in the bill the Senate Aviation Subcommittee will send to the Senate Floor to vote on later this year.

It is vital that all members of the Alliance contact your Senator TODAY to urge him or her to reject ?user fees?on any segment of the general aviation community in any form!

To contact your Senators please call toll-free 1-866-908-5898 to be automatically connected. When you have finished speaking with your first Senator's office, simply stay on the line to be automatically switched to the second office.

If you have any questions please feel to contact the Alliance at (202) 223-9523.

Thanks for your attention and support!