
Well Known Member
I had the honor of leading an 'All RV Flight' at our Formation Clinic this past weekend. The flight consisted of:

-RV10 (Rick Gray-FFI Flight Lead)
-RV9A (owner Ted Chang/Pilot Mike Stewart-FFI Check Pilot)
-RV8 (Stu McCurdy-FFI Check Pilot)
-RV7A (Tad Sargent-FFI Wingman)
-RV6 (Danny Kight-FFI Flight Lead)
-RV4 (Bob Goodman-FFI Flight Lead)
-RV3 (Dave Hirschman)

As far as I/we know this is the first time that there has been a flight of each of Vans models from the RV3 to the RV10??? Should be a 'keeper' for Vans calendar next year :) .

Here are a couple pics from Rob Logan's site...Rob volunteers his services and Legacy (for our photo ship) at our Ohio Valley RVators formation clinics (thanks BIG TIME to Rob):



Formation Pics

Great Job to you and all involved!!!
Wish I had been there, maybe one day!
Thanks so much for sharing!
BTW....pretty nice looking -10 tooo :)