Well Known Member
Has anyone had any luck getting an email response from anyone on the kits or orders team?

I’ve done my finish kit inventory and there a couple of small issues so I emailed them. Tomorrow will be 10 days with no response.
They switched over to using zendesk system and since then it has become difficult to get email responses from both orders and support. The telephone still works but the time zone difference is a constraint, especially for support that has been reduced to mornings only.
They switched over to using zendesk system and since then it has become difficult to get email responses from both orders and support. The telephone still works but the time zone difference is a constraint, especially for support that has been reduced to mornings only.
Dislike button.

They used to be great. You’d email and when I woke up the next day had a response. This way is better for the bottom line I suppose? 🤣

I’m not in a rush - but it’s playing on my mind all the time. I need an answer on whether they will refund my payment for back ordered wheels / brakes, as someone on here is selling a surplus set which I can get asap. But don’t want to buy his if they won’t refund my money.
I've been able to get email replies in a couple days. They did say they were swamped with support emails at the moment.
Hi Folks.

We've been a bit short-staffed for the last couple of weeks due to some (well-deserved) vacations and internal projects, and that's resulted in slower replies in some cases. But, we're back at closer to normal staffing levels on the Kits and Orders teams now. Apologies if you've been waiting.

We've also just welcomed a terrific additional staff member who will lead the customer service team in our office. As we move out of "crisis" mode we're excited to be able to expand and add a few great people to help make your experience the best it can be. You'll see some new names and news along those lines very soon!
Hi Folks.

We've been a bit short-staffed for the last couple of weeks due to some (well-deserved) vacations and internal projects, and that's resulted in slower replies in some cases. But, we're back at closer to normal staffing levels on the Kits and Orders teams now. Apologies if you've been waiting.

We've also just welcomed a terrific additional staff member who will lead the customer service team in our office. As we move out of "crisis" mode we're excited to be able to expand and add a few great people to help make your experience the best it can be. You'll see some new names and news along those lines very soon!
Thanks for the update Greg. I’ll keep a lookout on my emails.
Same issue. Emailed a simple question and have gotten no reply in 3 days.
I received a phone call today and got all of my questions answered. It appears the problem was/is temporary. I appreciate being able to talk to a knowledgeable person who will take the time to explain issues.
Just had my LCP part replacements shipped last week and an order I placed early in the month went overnight, seems they're catching up per Gregs message.
We had a delivery issue with our finishing kit as only the crate but not the second box arrived but the freight company showed it complete with their tracking. Multiple attempts to contact Vans at the number provided "in case you experience an issue" went un-returned or a message was taken and no callback received even after the person who did answer acknowledged that they were aware. The team was always either "in a meeting" or out to lunch, apparently. I finally was able to raise enough of a stink with the shipping company myself that the box showed up two weeks later.

Having deferred the kit when it was offered in the fall only to have the bankruptcy increase the cost SIGNIFICANTLY and putting us in a position where we had to pay the new price or only have 3/4 of the full kit, only to have it followed up by a complete lack of customer assistance, it makes me feel very disappointed with whatever is going on in Aurora.
Hi Folks.

We've been a bit short-staffed for the last couple of weeks due to some (well-deserved) vacations and internal projects, and that's resulted in slower replies in some cases. But, we're back at closer to normal staffing levels on the Kits and Orders teams now. Apologies if you've been waiting.

We've also just welcomed a terrific additional staff member who will lead the customer service team in our office. As we move out of "crisis" mode we're excited to be able to expand and add a few great people to help make your experience the best it can be. You'll see some new names and news along those lines very soon!
Hi Greg,

It been 3 weeks now with no response. Getting close to the 30 days since I got my kit - I assume you’ll still rectify the issues found during my inventory, even though it’s past 30 days? I advised the kits team less than a week after getting my box.

Hope to hear something soon.
We may have an email problem. I’d appreciate it if you’d contact me directly. And we will, of course, address your inventory items.
We may have an email problem. I’d appreciate it if you’d contact me directly. And we will, of course, address your inventory items.
If you guys did just switch customer support systems to something like zendesk have your IT guys make sure you have SPF, DKIM and all the other email security stuff set up properly. Otherwise email may be going into a black hole.
We may have an email problem. I’d appreciate it if you’d contact me directly. And we will, of course, address your inventory items.
Thank you Greg - had a response from someone on the kits team finally. Appreciate you chasing it up for me.