
Well Known Member
Opened a few of my and other VAF posts and found that the photos were hijacked by Photobucket, and they now want a $400 ransom to view or download them. Don't remember getting a notice from PB. I only store a few photos on PB that are used for VAF posts and it's absolutely not worth the $400 to use this service. Looks like the PB photos used on VAF posts may be gone forever unless you pay up or move them to another photo sharing website. I was able to retrieve a few of my photos in PB by right clicking on the image and using "save image as" to download to my computer. Any other free or more reasonable photo services available?
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Opened a few of my and other VAF posts and found that the photos were hijacked by Photobucket, and they now want a $400 ransom to release or download them. Don't remember getting a notice from PB. I only store a few photos on PB that are used for VAF posts and it's certainly not worth the $400 to use them. Looks like the PB photos used on VAF posts may be gone forever. Any other free or more reasonable photo services available?

I've been using for years. It's free
Try or The second one is owned by a VAF member but is slightly awkward to use. Both are free and relatively rapid.

A commercial site is It's not hard to use but is a bit slow. It has ads and is free.

The issue with Photobucket was discussed at length not long ago. You can do a search and the thread will show up.

None of these will revive old Photobucket photos, unfortunately.

This photo sharing shell game is getting ridiculous!

There has to be an easier way!

It is the reason I stopped posting pictures long ago!

:eek: CJ

thanks for the info on I AM BACK.

i am not concerned about loosing PB pics. i love posting photos on VAF. :D
Getting your pics back

I'm trying to retrieve all of my PB pictures for posterity but PB's "Download Album" command won't work.

Has anyone had sucess with this feature?
I had my photos "hijacked" as well so I am uploading as many as I can remember to a GOOGLE public album I created just for forum photos. Since I can't access my Photobucket account without paying, I will just not visit their webpage anymore and their web traffic count (which is how they get paid ad revenues) can go down by a tiny amount. Remember, the huge ocean is made up of lots of tiny drops.

I recently switched to Flickr and once you go through the process of setting things to be public it is pretty easy after that. Flickr also doesn't have 1000 ads pop up every time you click something like some other sites.
I don't understand paying for some site to host photos??

Every internet provider I've had since the early nineties has provided free space for photos, videos or whatever with the cost of the service. It is not hard to upload files and generally there is plenty of space available.

From my experience, the links using this service are much more stable than these photo sites services.

My .02 cents...

Rant over...;)
I'm trying to retrieve all of my PB pictures for posterity but PB's "Download Album" command won't work.

Has anyone had sucess with this feature?
Hey Gil. I got all mine downloaded the day after they blocked 3rd party. I can't remember the process. I looked it up on google. Wasn't a problem.
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Every internet provider I've had since the early nineties has provided free space for photos, videos or whatever with the cost of the service. It is not hard to upload files and generally there is plenty of space available.

From my experience, the links using this service are much more stable than these photo sites services.
Self-hosting on your provider's alloted "household" space is a great solution, and should be rock solid as long as you don't (a) move and change providers, or (b) die, and your provider will close the account.