
Well Known Member
Align Elevator Hinge Brackets?

Is there anything special I need to do to align the elevator hinge brackets before I rivet them on? Or is there enough slop in the HS/elevator attachment to account for miniscule misalignment? The manual is silent on this - it just says rivet them on.

I seem to recall someone saying that he regretted not doing something with regard to those brackets. I can't find it anywhere.
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Just rivet them on. Unless there is a major misalignment issue, there is sufficient play in the attachments.

You know the old saw - "there's no replacement for displacement." I live at 5000 ft and often fly at 12-16000. The weight penalty was about 10 pounds for the 360 vs the 320, and the cost penalty was about $300. Both are pretty small numbers in the scheme of things. I still can cruise at 175 mph while burning less than 6 gph, so I'm pretty happy about the choice.

There were some that were drilled wrong...

Is there anything special I need to do to align the elevator hinge brackets before I rivet them on? Or is there enough slop in the HS/elevator attachment to account for miniscule misalignment? The manual is silent on this - it just says rivet them on.

I seem to recall someone saying that he regretted not doing something with regard to those brackets. I can't find it anywhere.

A number of years ago, I visited a builder who had received those steel elevator attach brackets that had one with the bolt hole in the wrong place. Van's replaced it at no charge of course!

Do a sight check looking through all the bolt holes in the brackets when they are clecoed to the aft spar of the horizontal stabilizer. You should be able to look all the way through them. This must be done before you rivet in the aft spar of course. Just cleco the aft spar to the rest of the horzontal stabilizer.