F1 Rocket

Well Known Member
Took my friend Manny’s son Ali up for a Rocket ride on his 7th birthday. It was his first non airliner airplane ride. He was pretty silent until I pushed the throttle forward on takeoff. Then he let out a big YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAA! :)

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And that's exactly the difference between my 200 HP RV-8 and my Rocket - one makes me go "yeeeehawwww", and the other makes me go "yaaawwwnnnn".
Good grief, even an RV-8 is still good for a few "Yeeeeehaws!"

But those Rockets, yeah...............
Not when you fly them back to back.

And if you fly the -8 second, you wonder if the throttle lever is attached to anything.

I remember first time I rode in the back of my hanger partner’s fixed pitch 180hp RV-8. I was thinking “why does everyone rant and rave about the performance of these things?”. Honestly, I’m spoiled. Other than a few hours here and there all of my 500 ish hours of flight time is either in my Rocket or my KitFox. All of my primary instruction and check ride were in the KitFox.