Sam Buchanan

been here awhile
Does anyone know whether or not an RV was involved in an accident Sunday morning in Alexander City, AL? The Twitter photos look like the aircraft might have been an RV:

Fortunately there were no serious injuries to the two individuals on the aircraft, they walked away before the fire erupted.

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Gentlemen, (Not me personally, but rather the gentleman this happened to)

Thank you for all your support. I truly would like to have a debrief on this at the squadron someday to discuss lessons learned. I’ll buy the keg.

As to the specifics of the accident, I was flying with my grandson Luki to Thomas Russell Field in Alexander City. As I reduced power in the descent (approximately 5 miles northeast of ALX) the engine gave one sputter and began losing power. I raised the nose to pick up 80 knots, turned on the boost pump, switched tanks, checked fuel (11L/10R), went mixture full rich and toggled mags. The engine was unresponsive.

Now, one of my biggest mistakes and regrets is that I looked at that big long runway and said, “I think I can make that”. I pointed it to the end of the runway, feathered the prop, and told Luki we would be a full stop. As it became apparent that making the field would be questionable, if not impossible, I made a hard right turn to land in the grass/parking lot behind the Taco Bell. I expected to land in the first field and probably hit the fence between the two portions of the lots. I did not expect the power lines (which I did not see) on the other side of the trees.

To any of you guys congratulating me or saying “great job”, I would say we got very, very lucky. Instead of hitting just one of the power lines and flipping on our back, we had one wire above the spinner and one below. The airplane slowed remarkably smoothly (relatively speaking) as we continued to the ground. I expect many of you carrier pilots have had more rapid decelerations hitting the 3-wire. What would Greese, Bill, Don, Waldo, or most of the other great pilots in the squadron have done? They would have taken luck out of the equation and headed toward the soccer fields, or even directly toward the field I chose, without first fixating on a big long piece of concrete just out of reach. That would have given them time to do a short field approach, clearing any lines or obstacles. They probably would have even been able to re-use the airplane. As for other things I should have done (but didn’t); turn off the fuel selector valve or unlock the canopy. For the record, the pictures look much worse than it was immediately after touchdown. We climbed out unscathed being careful to avoid the power lines. The power lines, however, continued to spark and started the aircraft on fire shortly after we safely exited. The fire department was on site almost immediately, but would not approach the airplane until the power company confirmed the lines were cold, so we stood there and watched the airplane burn to the ground. I do not intend to imply that wasn’t the best call. It was. I’m just explaining why it looks as bad as it does.

The obvious unanswered question is “why did the engine quit”? I don’t know.

So, thank you for your kind words and support. I just thought you should all know the rest of the story.
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A VERY important lesson to be learned: take it from a very high time hot air balloon pilot/instructor- with nearly every landing being off-airport, we learn the critical lesson: you will almost NEVER see the power lines. You may:eek: see the power poles, and always, always, assume there are power lines between them. If going over them requires stretching your glide (don't even try it), going under them, scary as it is, might be a better option (an option obviously not available to us balloon pilots.)

Steve Wittman survived two off airport landings involving wires. The first time he saw the wires and elected to hit them with the nose of the airplane. He considered going under them but thought he would not have enough room to stop a high rate of descent. He was uninjured. The second time was in the Fond du Lac race, he caught the wire on the tailwheel and wound up upside down. He had some minor injuries in that one.
The pilot of the RV7 should not second guess or beat himself up over his decision making. He landed right side up and uninjured. That's all that counts.
I have often found it easier to see the "shadows" of power poles rather than the poles themselves. Also, power poles tend to run parallel to roadway edges but not always -- lines crossing roadways seem to be the most difficult to see.
Some thoughts

You did what you thought was correct and it worked out. The goal is to live and that was accomplished. The insurance company has a payout. It all worked. I'm sure it was frustrating to see the plane burn up with the FD standing there. But, safety first!!!

As a medical helicopter pilot, wires are always a concern. Day or night it is one of our biggest fears. As was mentioned, if there are poles assume there are wires. They are hard to see. We use NVG's and in some respects the wires are easier to see at night.

Technology is our friend. For many years I have used Google Earth to scout out any new or unfamiliar airports. You can even "slant" the view like you are doing an approach. This will give you a first hand look at potential problems. It is handy to do even with familiar airports. Just getting that big picture of the area is helpful.

Glad this worked out. Get that new kit on order or find a plane!!! Get back in the saddle. Thanks for the briefing!!
Google Earth

I sometimes amuse myself by studying airports that I want to go to or airports that I used many years ago. Go to, click on airports, enter the identifier and on the left side you will see a satellite view of the airport.
Click on that and you will have the google earth view.