
Well Known Member
a buddy from ct is on a ak trip now. he has been in touch with me by email. if you want to get info and pics from me email me at [email protected] titled ALASKA and i will work up a email list for VAF guys. here is fred stucklens latest email.

Hi All,

The bad weather here has given me the time to finally put together some of the pictures I've been taking while here in Alaska. It has been very interesting flying here, with good days and spectacular views, to wet rainy days where we were flying low and slow over known terrain. The bad flying days have been kept safer by utilizing moving map displays that have excellent terrain detail that includes roads (it's legal to land on roads in Canada and Alaska), rivers, and all the terrain relief data. There were times on the way between Whitehorse and Fairbanks where we were at 300' - 500' above river beds or the Alaskan highway just so we would have good forward visibility. It turns out that flying low like this is the norm around here for the local pilots.
The 061910.zip file shows the flight over the Canadian prairie and some of the flight from Fort Nelson to Whitehorse. The 062010.zip files shows some of the sights in Whitehorse. The 062110.zip file covers the very low flying from Whitehorse to Delta Junction. Interesting fling to say the least. The 062310.zip file shows pictures taken during the trip from Fairbanks to Bettles and Chena Hot Springs. And finally, the 062410.zip files shows pictures traveling from Fairbanks through the Alaska range to Talkeekna, including some shots of the Ruth Glacier from under the overcast, Jim & Jennifer Delveau, my traveling companions, downtown Talkeekna, and then landing in poor weather (again) at Palmer.
The weather today has been way below minimums on our intended exit up the GlennAllen Highway back to Tok and Northway. maybe tomorrow....
I still have some great pictures in the camera of a side trip we took to Girkwood yesterday. Girkwood is nestled in the mountains East of Anchorage. It has a 2000' dirt strip that was interesting to get into and out of. It also has a great skiing resort with a tram to the top of the mountains... Neat area.....
I'm going to try to travel to New Mexico to see Em & Tish before they go on their camping trip. But I'm not sure that I'll make it out of here in time to spend quality time with them... The weather will tell!


More Info and Picture Link

I have to correct Fred- It is Girdwood.

We are having the TIME OF OUR LIFE! The wx yesterday and again today is low and all you see on the web cams along the Glen highway are white. I have been stuck in a lot less favorable spots! We are sitting in a friends livingroom looking out over the float pond and ridge beyond that.

I still have more pictures to post so keep checking the link-

Here is a Picasa link to my photos thus far


Jim & Jennifer
More to Come...

We have a few more pictures yet to add to the ones there now. I think there are some new one that start at Palmer down to Whitehorse, then to Ft. Nelson. From the overnight at Ft. Nelson we fueled/called customs at Whitecourt, then direct Cutbank. Cutbank to Baker, Mt. And from Baker non-stop to Ankeny. We put on nearly 1700 miles the last day! The wx and winds were good to us and we decided to take advantage of it.

The last photo is at Whitecourt, the camera battery died... I plan to get some screenshots of some mapping with the routes flown and put those into the mix to add a little situational awareness.

Check back in a few days, I think I can put a "completed" pane at the beginning so you will easily recognize I have finished the slideshow.

Jim & Jennifer
So Turbo....

Do you think AK is a BIT more scenic than central FL?

Beautiful photos - wish I had the time to do the same.

i think we are are missing out on some real fun. i would like to start out flying the mountains of the west first, AK on my bucket list for sure.
since fred has ..........

been back i have been getting some fun stories about the loooow level flying to get around there. 500' overcast is good wx to go on. lots of wide river flying. go fred. if you want to go next year contact fred for some help.