
Well Known Member
Two years have passed quickly since my first encounter with The Last Frontier in 2014. Time for another trip counteracting Caribbean Rosie. I decided to shift the visit to August. The weather of July 2014 was not favorable and I was not able to reach some destinations I originally planned. The difference between the last trip and this one is absolute flexibility. There will be no rigid schedule no deadlines and no established routes. The only planned stop is the base of CanAlaska Squadron in Vernon, BC. I want to pick some brains of fine Canadian folks who just returned from their epic trip.

We are two Vans RV aircrafts and two solo pilots. Aircraft #1 is newer, faster, with bells and whistles piloted by a good friend of mine Chip Diggins. He will also be a recovery ship in case my old bird hiccups. He will start moving from Boston area one day later then me. He will catch on me somewhere in Montana and we cross Canadian border as a flight of two. Chip is well trained and was asking me more then a year to join a trip of a lifetime. You are in buddy :)

Aircraft #2 is a Day VFR RV9A with relatively high time on the engine. Wood prop no glass and no autopilot less things to troubleshoot I guess. Yours truly has approximately 20 hours of actual Alaskan flight time from previous visit. Some simulated hours in MVFR could be helpful. The aircraft is all stock there is no modifications whatsoever. Interior is stripped to allow some extra gear and prevent more scratches on Classic Aero fine leather. I am very excited. Wheels up on Thursday July 28th, 2016. I will post updates to this thread when I have some pictures to brag :D

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Vlad it has been an epic week at osh so far. We have been wondering about your trip so wish you the most fun possible. They have 10 rvs flying a show case tomorrow for the 30 year celebration. carry on.
Vlad, everyone has been asking me about your status out here. Enjoy your trip!

Keep Chiperoo out of the ditches and on the correct runways!

Chip, keep an eye on our favorite Russki and don't let him escape back to mother land while you are up there!

Safe travels you crazy kids! Lol

;) CJ
Vlad, if you come through Montana this weekend, I'll be at 97MT. But Neil and Tracy will probably be around at 8U8.
Let us know if you need anything.


Have a safe quest
Free gas

If you are coming near Missoula you must stop and have another Moose Drool (or 6). I will fill you up so plan to arrive on fumes.
The traveling Russian got in yesterday just in time to visit my job site. He bummed a free meal of beef medallions and calamari, then we went to watch Star Trek!

He said he lost his wallet so I had to fill his tanks up for him to get him on his way early this morning. Looks like he beat it across the late and is on his way north. Wish I was going too!

Vlad, I see that you just landed at Fort Peck, have a good flight if you continue on tonight.

RV-9A Flying
CanAlaska Squadron 2016

Hey Vlad, you should definitely hook up with the CA squadron leader in Kelowna. I was CA6 on the flight of 6 aircraft, I flew up from Ontario for the trip. We flew from Kelowna to Tuk to Nome to the Diomedes (1 mile from Russia) and then back south through Homer. We had almost perfect weather. The BC pilots were experts at mountain WX and Marine layer WX flying. definitely a skillset us easterners need to learn from these folks.

Good luck, it was the most exciting trip for me so far.
Over the Border

Looks like Vlad made it over the border into Canada. I can't believe the miles he puts on in a day.
Vlad got in to High River just after a front line hit. Him and Chip did a great job getting it down in the Alberta wind. We quickly got them tucked away in the hanger and got to the beer fridge.:D



Took them out to fill their bellies then went home for more beer :D

I had to get Vlad to try out our latest travel item to relax in. I think he will get one for his next adventure. We made great use of it at Oshkosh.


Early rise tomorrow and they will be off north bound.
Vlad, you coming up to cordova again. Family is here so you guys out to stop by. We will go fly the sound. And maybe do a little fishing. Call 907 253-7224.
Mile 422 Alaskan Highway

Thanks everyone it was a good and intense beginning of the trip. My wingman caught on me in Montana we followed to Troy's. We got nice service by BranchAir in High River then lost each other in MVFR. My wingman Chip turned around and I pressed all the way to Toads River, British Columbia. Thank you Greg for excellent advice on Mile422!

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We'll be in Whitehorse this morning (Monday) but back in Atlin later in the afternoon if you come by. Buzz the cabin and we'll come to the airport. Otherwise, maybe will see you on the return trip.

BC and Yukon

A lot of interesting places landed in British Columbia and Yukon Territories.

Found a WWII wreck in Watson Lake. Walked the historic building.

Landed on Klondike Highway. Check.

Overnight in Dawson City. Chip caught on me again. Actually he landed at Dawson City couple hours before me, witnessed a 737 blew a tire on landing and being an experienced A&P, helped mechanical crew to change it. My flying partner rocks! :D
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Arrived in Fairbanks!

I see your track that you arrived safely in Fairbanks. Keep snapping those pictures, we are going to want to see them:eek:
A collective decision (another tough one for me thanks Chip) has been made not to fly north today. A cold front was passing above Arctic Circle and we have to wait it over. Cleared US Customs airline style at PAFA Gate 6 then underwent a "mild" FAA ramp check all good. Settled in touristy Fairbanks not far from the airport. My sincere public apology goes to CA Squadron Leader for not keeping my promises, not showing up and not giving you enough advance time to cancel the meetup. It wasn't intended Sir we were under great stress indeed. I truly appreciate you opening your arms for RV pilots please continue doing this.
Now it's time for some Crown Royal.
Fairbanks? Like BBQ? Hitch a ride downtown to Big Daddy's BarBQ; decent beer supply and a killer brisket sammich.
You rock Vlad. Your having fun.

Stay safe my friend and let me and Turbo know when your headed our way.
Yes, it's legal

Yes. The Alaskan Highway is viewed as the world's longest runway. Cars have the right away. I landed on it a few years back on one of our trips to Alaska. Always wanted to do that. :)
Many times the weather will go South so fast it is a great spot to land and wait it out. We saw that happen when we departed from Whitehorse, BC one morning. The weather came down so fast we barelyt made it back to the airport, and many airplanes landed on the Highway north of the airport to wait for improving weather. We departed later in the afternoon into beautiful VFR weather.

The weather in Alaska and BC can change very drastically and with little notice. All of those snow packs feeding glaciers tend to make their own weather sometimes.


As George Carlin famously said "If a man speaks in the forest and his wife is not there to hear it, is he still wrong"
Finally reached Arctic Ocean shores. It was a lot of work. Three times I tried to blast through Brooks Range via Atigun Pass and three times had to turn around and wait out at Chandalar Shelf 5CD. Heavy snow. The pass is very tight for 180 turn. A heli gave me some PIREP and I sneaked through.

Polar bears at a whale bone pile. Barter Island. Check.

The best hotel in oil town. Proudhoe Bay. Check.

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one ship journey

Barter Island, Alaska. A local bush pilot said he saw only one kit plane landed here years ago. He recognized Vans aircraft right away and asked if it was a 7.

That is impressive!

Finally reached Arctic Ocean shores. It was a lot of work. Three times I tried to blast through Brooks Range via Atigun Pass and three times had to turn around and wait out at Chandalar Shelf 5CD. Heavy snow. The pass is very tight for 180 turn. A heli gave me some PIREP and I sneaked through.

Polar bears at a whale bone pile. Barter Island. Check.

I had played around with Google maps to see how far north in Alaska some could fly with an RV, then wondered if anyone had balls big enough to try it. Now we know now that there is one Russian that does. That is impressive! Congratulations!
Yes, hat's off to Vlad. We tried multiple times to get to the North Shore but had to turn back, primarily due to smoke. Did make it across the Arctic Circle, though. :)

I took a Luscombe there once... from Phoenix. But I was younger and could not afford an RV. Wait... there were no RV's. Might have to try again.
Good on you... Vlad!
My buddy John Hauck made it to Barrow in a Kolb Mark III.


Gotta brag on John just a little. He spent his first tour in Nam doing quiet little hikes in the jungle with native teams, most of which were not quite in Nam. Then he went back for a second tour as a Cobra pilot. If anybody tries to tell you there were no Special Forces gunship pilots, tell 'em they are wrong.

We were not worried when John left for the Arctic (three times) in a fat ultralight. If he went down, he would just eat moss and bears, and walk out.
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Yes, you are definitely in the food chain if you go down in Alaska, and not at the top of it! The Polar Bear in Vlad's picture reminded me of the Grizzly we saw from about 200' in a flat out run. We couldn't figure out if he was the one doing the chasing or if he was being chased. I do know we didn't want to find out. For all I know he thought we sounded like a smorgasbord or a lunch bell! I patted the glare shield and said "Lycoming, don't fail me know."

Barter Island, hey, I was there in the winter of 1973 flying a CH-47 Chinook out of Fairbanks. The dew Line station was still up then, and it was cold.

Enjoy that great state.
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Lycoming rocks!

I am glad I have that simple and bulletproof motor. Started easily without preheat at low temps in Deadhorse.

Barrow Radio asked for aircraft type before issuing SVFR. Weird place that top of the world.

There is a pretty place by Kotzebou called Serpentine Hot Springs. The water is mighty hot I couldn't dip in it. A strip is about 1,200 feet and rough for small RV wheels. Scenery is breathtaking. I got my both cameras worked hard but pictures won't be here until I return.

The sectional at Cape Lisburn says don't flush walruses. By the time I got there the haulout was already swimming. Muscoxen by Shishmaref Island seems didn't care when I passed through. There was a dead whale and birds were already busy I did a circle. And of course flew by Little Diomede Island. Motherland was very close I think I might even clipped the border with left wing. :)


Wicked trip Vlad! We're all following along. Are you going to try and fly the Aleutian Islands? Looks like you're heading that way.

Those are some nice photos Vlad. Keep 'em coming.

Read about the Diomede islands, Tomorrow and Yesterday. You were just shy of being in Tomorrow. Ahhhh, time travel.
Was there a urge to fly west ?

Vlad you just keep setting the bar higher and higher. What a trip. Carry on and fly safe Comrad. :):)
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Russian was here, ate, slept, and is traveling on, headed down the coast of BC today. Probably won't see much coverage on APRS.

Vlad, What day did you arrive in Fairbanks? I am pretty sure I heard you on the radio. We were the 6 Ship UH-60 Flight that was coming from Ft. Greely.
Vlad, What day did you arrive in Fairbanks? I am pretty sure I heard you on the radio. We were the 6 Ship UH-60 Flight that was coming from Ft. Greely.

We came on Tuesday. It was an interesting flight the MOAs were just heating up. My wingman was ahead of me on 12,500 (the bait) I scooted lower just enough for Center radar to see. Three F18s were playing up higher then descended which looked like an interception course on my lead. They surely picked up the wrong guy. It was fun to listen and watch. Fairbanks was all booked but extraordinary negotiating skills of my wingman got us a room. I ran away next morning he waited two days for wx to clear which never happened. :)