
Well Known Member
Yes, I live in Georgia where there is great BBQ but several things came together this past Monday (29th) which resulted in a quick flight to AL for some of the tasty meat delicacies.

1) I had the day off work
2) The weather was good
3) Son Bruce is home from GSU for the summer
4) The -9 hadn't been flown all week
5) It was my 50th birthday!

A couple nights before we watched one of those food shows which highlighted "Big Bob" Gibson's in Decatur, AL. Those shows always make me want to fly out for food. So the seed was sewn.

It took about 1.5 hrs from Perry, GA (PXE) to Pryor Field (DCU) in Decatur, AL. The FBO was kind enough to lend us a car and we drove the six miles to the restaurant. We ordered half a chicken and a slab of ribs with sides, enjoyed it thoroughly, and took some more chicken to go for mom.

My landing attempt on the return home was really crappy and we did a go around. That hasn't happened in a long time. All the birthday celebrations must have clouded my judgement!





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Decatur, Alabama trip

Glad you enjoyed the barbecue. There are several good BBQ places in and around Decatur, but Big Bob Gibson's is our favorite. I was at Pryor Field at 1730 and returned about 1900, after giving a friend a ride. I'm sure you were there earlier. I would have liked to have met you.

Glad the FBO treated you well.

Looking forward to the photos.

And, oh yes, Happy Birthday! :)
Pictures are up.

Next time I come up I will let you know, Don. I realized that the new IMAX airplane movie narrated by H. Ford is showing at the Huntsville space museum. I really want to see that.
BBQ and a movie would be fun. Perhaps when the weather cools off a bit. That would be a fun get together for RVers.
Happy Birthday Bruce!

All great BBQs are south of me and all great steaks are to the north. Great trip Bruce thanks for sharing.
Harrison Ford Movie at Huntsville

I checked on the movie schedule at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center here in Huntsville. Looks like that movie, "Living in the Age of the Airplane," is showing in the IMAX theater. I need to see it myself. Here's the link for all the movies showing there. Notice not all are in IMAX. Also, before you make a trip to Huntsville to see it, contact the U.S. Space and Rocket Center to make sure the movie is still scheduled. Right now, the schedule is indicating show times of 11:30 AM and 2:30 PM; they only show availability for all their IMAX movies through July, 2015, so contact them ahead of time to be sure.
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