
Active Member
What is the minimum temp for spraying Azko? Im ready to start priming but winter is in full effect. Ill be spraying in my driveway. Dont want primer all over the inside of the garage.
I shot some a few days ago at 55. In the garage using a primer pistol at 15psi. Full respirator and suit. Then I turned on the bullet heater to dry them for a few mins, got the heck outta the garage, then opened the garage door for about 30 mins to exhaust the fumes. My garage isnt particulaly well sealed - infact its not much at all and with the pistol there is virtually no overspray to speak of - just drying chem smell. I have shot Akzo down to 45F outside, but you really have to worry about water condensing on the parts as they dry at anything below about 65. If theyre interior parts that wont be seen then who cares - the paint surface is a bit mottled, otherwise coverage is fine. But I didnt like the results at 45, so I've been doing the garage thing with the heater per above for two winters now. I do just small parts to keep the build going this way. Big parts are strictly a summer thing for me.
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What is the minimum temp for spraying Azko? Im ready to start priming but winter is in full effect. Ill be spraying in my driveway. Dont want primer all over the inside of the garage.

I can't find a reference for Azko, but one of the epoxy primers I use has a minimum temperature of 60F. I assume most sprayable epoxies have similar requirements.
Ack no, not Azko. Akzo as in Akzo Nobel 463-12-8 Interior Fluid resistant Epoxy Primer. 59-95F, 35-75%rel humidity. Google the .pdf on it from ANAC advanced coatings.

Looks like your 60F is a good put.
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ive been shooting it in my garage in the upper 40s. Can't see any bad effects.

I made a real cheep paint booth in my garage with no ventilation, bought a turbine respirator setup for about $425. I breathe clean air and don't have to screw around outside in the winter.
Well, primed outside at about 45 degrees and it looks decent. Was my first time, and if it dries as good as it looks now ill be very happy with it. Not waiting till its 60 again in MA before i prime.