Great Job. This makes me want to use Akzo!

Thanks for making the videos. Very inspirational. I am currently working on VS an HS. Had my first run with a different primer... That is going to have to come off!
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Induction time?

Did I miss the induction time, or did you really mix and spray? I thought there was a 30 minute induction time before spraying. If so, and you did not let it sit for 30 minutes, why and what are the effects long term? Thank you for your input, and I apologize if I missed it in the video.
Did I miss the induction time, or did you really mix and spray? I thought there was a 30 minute induction time before spraying. If so, and you did not let it sit for 30 minutes, why and what are the effects long term? Thank you for your input, and I apologize if I missed it in the video.

if there is i didn't follow it. i mix it i spray it.

I see you did it in the middle of the shop without a booth or anything. How bad was the over spray? I tied that with just one little piece with a different primer and it covered my entire shop with green dust.
made it too hard

As others have mentioned you need the 30 min induction time. Pretty sure yours will flake off as you basically just thinned the base and sprayed it on. It changes color to a slightly deeper green as it lights off. You can watch it work.

A spray gun is overkill for this primer to go on well. Use a primer pistol. Mix in the same container you shoot from - a film cartridge. I've mixed and shot as little as 1/2 oz all the way up to my largest panels. It goes a long way. I measure it out using 1oz syringes, no need to run thru a filter. No spilling as with your pot lid pourers. Clean up is with acetone shot thru the pistol before it dries; wipe out the cartridge and its done. 10psi is all you need, maybe 15 with the pistol. No more or youre just bouncing primer off the part.

I've posted a bunch on this previously. Akzo is bullet proof if done right. You did wash and scuff your parts first right?
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As others have mentioned you need the 30 min induction time. Pretty sure yours will flake off as you basically just thinned the base and sprayed it on. It changes color to a slightly deeper green as it lights off. You can watch it work.

A spray gun is overkill for this primer to go on well. Use a primer pistol. Mix in the same container you shoot from - a film cartridge. I've mixed and shot as little as 1/2 oz all the way up to my largest panels. It goes a long way. I measure it out using 1oz syringes, no need to run thru a filter. No spilling as with your pot lid pourers. Clean up is with acetone shot thru the pistol before it dries; wipe out the cartridge and its done. 10psi is all you need, maybe 15 with the pistol. No more or youre just bouncing primer off the part.

I've posted a bunch on this previously. Akzo is bullet proof if done right. You did wash and scuff your parts first right?

Haven't had any problems with it flaking off.
I use a maroon scotch brite pad to scuff the parts well and than alcohol to clean before spraying.
In the wafer fab work I once did, we used acetone as the preferred oil remover, followed by an alcohol wash to remove any residual keytones and any moisture. Acetone isolates the oils and they evaporate with the acetone as it flashes off.

But both for this primer is way over kill. In fact I'm pretty sure that a simple soap wash and scuff is all thats needed. I did some tests and did nothing and the Akzo held on ok to shiny alclad. But it clearly is meant to do best with some kind of bite.

FWIW all I do is a detergent scuff/wash, acetone wipe, and spray. Works for me and environmentally friendly - your liver chews thru acetone with no issues, unlike MEK etc.

The most basic version of Bernoullis principle - just like we did as kids in kindergarten blowing across the top of a coke bottle to make music.

I had to tweak mine a bit, but basically the copper tube you can just see sticking up is soft soldered in, so just move it up or down in the sleeve to obtain the best pressure drop across the top. I also took a small file to chamfer the copper tube top slightly away from the air path to shape the spray fan.

When I got it, it needed 60psi to get any draw and was abysmal to non-existent. After the small tweaks above, it picks up paint at 10psi and a nice round spray pattern, just like a rattle can.

Cheap, simple, bullet proof with Akzo. Clean up with a acetone shot thru it and put it away for next time. Takes all the hassle out of primering (for interior parts).


Anyone used this particular Akzo primer (463-12-8) as an exterior primer in their final paint system? What is it compatible with? Even in the Akzo line, I couldnt find where its called out as part of a system they provide.
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+1 on the waiting 30 minutes before spraying. The solids in the base just need to be mixed more thoroughly. I used a mixer on a drill motor and it would take forever for the green base to get sufficiently mixed. The solids really settle out quick and they are hard to get back into solution.
Air gun

The most basic version of Bernoullis principle - just like we did as kids in kindergarten blowing across the top of a coke bottle to make music.

I had to tweak mine a bit, but basically the copper tube you can just see sticking up is soft soldered in, so just move it up or down in the sleeve to obtain the best pressure drop across the top. I also took a small file to chamfer the copper tube top slightly away from the air path to shape the spray fan.

When I got it, it needed 60psi to get any draw and was abysmal to non-existent. After the small tweaks above, it picks up paint at 10psi and a nice round spray pattern, just like a rattle can.

Cheap, simple, bullet proof with Akzo. Clean up with a acetone shot thru it and put it away for next time. Takes all the hassle out of primering (for interior parts).


Anyone used this particular Akzo primer (463-12-8) as an exterior primer in their final paint system? What is it compatible with? Even in the Akzo line, I couldnt find where its called out as part of a system they provide.

Would you post a photo of the tube? It would be nice to have a starting point.
I have to use high pressure as well.
Would you post a photo of the tube? It would be nice to have a starting point.
I have to use high pressure as well.

Larry - I'm no good with the various photo hosting sites, but if you wanna PM an email Ill be happy to send you as many thousands of pictures of the tube as you'd like. Then if you'd like you can put up the pics.

Larry - I'm no good with the various photo hosting sites, but if you wanna PM an email Ill be happy to send you as many thousands of pictures of the tube as you'd like. Then if you'd like you can put up the pics.

PM sent.
A close up photo of the tube intersection would be great.
I put my primer pistol away because it wouldn't paint the akzo at a reasonable pressure. If y'all get the pics pm could you post and explain here? I'm interested too.
I'll post the pics when my dropbox gets reactivated, supposedly in the next few days.
Well I cant get them to imbed despite manually doing it, but heres the links......


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Primer Pistol Success


Time finally allowed for us to implement your recommendations on the primer pistol. They worked like a charm. Thanks!


Time finally allowed for us to implement your recommendations on the primer pistol. They worked like a charm. Thanks!


Glad it worked out for you! I love the **** thing. Just mixed and sprayed 1/2 oz of primer with it yesterday. Couldnt be easier.