
Well Known Member
I have a chance to get some AKG AV100 headsets at a good deal and I'm looking for some reviews from AV100 users. I'm using A20's now.
Very quiet here so I'd suggest reading reviews on seller sites. From what I've read, ANR head sets are very close in capability and it usually comes down to fit and comfort.
my experience

I have a pair of the AKG AV-100, which I have had since they were introduced. Several months after my set was delivered, I got a call from the US distributor asking if I wanted an "upgrade", since there had been a modification to the audio performance made to the sets after mine was shipped. A new pair of headphones was sent to me free of charge. I had not had any complaints about the original set, but I was impressed at the length that the company went to in customer service.

My son has a pair of original Lightspeed Zulu's. In comparison, the AKG set feels slightly heavier on my head, and has less "clamping pressure". Both are comfortable, but I have the subjective sense that the Zulu's would stay put, where the AKG feels a little less firm.

Sonically, it is a wash. Both are great.

The LED feature is fantastic on the AKG. I love the wide sweep of white led lighted illumination that they provide. If I want to find something at night, turning on the headset light provides all the illumination you could want, hands free. I really think all headsets should adopt this.

They are durable and have held up well. They (the AKG's) seem to be slightly harder on battery life compared with the Zulu's.
My first set of AKG's were horrible. I called and in a week a new set arrived. They were better, but not any better ANR than my zulu2's and they were not nearly as comfy beyond two hours in flight. Returned them to Spruce, replaced with the Zulu PFX, Lemo . Better comfort (AKG gave me hot spots around my ears), the Lemo version has no battery compartment so the box is smaller, and the ANR is better than either of my AKG's were. The AKG's also seriously lacked bass when playing music whereas the Zulu's do not.
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AV100 compaired to PFX

I have used top of the line Lightspeed headsets for 15-years upgrading to their best using their trade-up program every time a new better headset came out. The bad part of the Lightspeed headset experience has been that ever single one has had to go back for repairs at least once. Yes Customer Service is top notch but having to pay to ship a headset under warranty is hard for me to swallow. Having to ship it off for repair is the part that I really dislike.

Their latest Zulu PFX is quieter than the AKG AV100 but I find the AKG AV100 more comfortable. I used the AKG AV100 for about 10-hours of flying while the Zulu PFX was back getting repaired for ANR drop outs.

General Aviation News has an article about the AKG AV100 headset here. Aviation Consumer also has a review that you can read if you are a subscriber.

I like the AKG AV100 better than the Zulu PFX even though the PFX is quieter. I hate the heavy large battery box on the PFX, I dislike the 4 AA batteries required to operate the PFX, and I dislike the 15-hour battery life of the PFX. The PFX is also lacking with the mic fixed on the left side. The Bose A20 and AKG AV100 can have the mic moved to the right ear cup. With all Lightspeed headsets, the mic is Left ear cup only. Both the AKG AV100 and the Bose A20 that have a LEMO plug on it, can be used on ship power or used with an adapter (supplied free with the AKG) by placing batteries in the control box, they work in any GA aircraft. Adapter for the Bose A20 costs an additional $55. Asking Lightspeed about if their LEMO (aircraft powered) PFX could do the same thing, I was told that the LEMO plug PFX would require one of the adapters that has a battery and they did not think it would work on the ones that have 9V batteries installed.

At AirVenture 2015, I will be shopping for an ANR headset that will get left in my airplane. I purchased Bose LEMO jacks from Amazon for about $32 each that will be getting installed. I will get a LEMO powered headset depending on what I see at AirVenture 2015. IF Bose comes out with a NEW replacement or upgraded A20, I may go that way. Else the AKG AV100 or PFX LEMO could be my 2nd headset.

I have let others borrow headsets to test fly. When the original Zulu first came out, I would lend my Bose X and Zulu to friends to go fly. The top of the line headsets are like underwear. Everyone will have slightly different opinions and a personal preference. If one was so much better than another, we would not have so many choices.

I have my friend and professional pilot Oly to thank for getting me to try the AKG AV100.

Most outfits now have a trade up or trade in program on headsets that value ANR headsets pretty much the same. Lightspeed was the first to do this. IIRC, Lightspeed use to give you the value you paid for the older Lightspeed headset and you paid the New increased price for the upgrade. Now they only provide the same amount of money that Aircraft Spruce, MyPilotStore, and others give on any headset upgrade.

Some people do not like paying the high price of the quietest top of the line headsets. IMHO, my hearing is worth the cost. We need to remember that "The cheapest thing about flying is the Pilot!?"
Thanks for the reviews. I did find and read Oly's review from some time back. I guess when it comes to the very high end headsets it really gets down to the little things that get personal to each pilot. I do agree that the Lightspeed's have a very high breakage rate. Seems to be the history of Lightspeed. I've been using the Bose X for the last 10 years and then picked up a pair of the A20's, they are substantially better than the X's. I have to lift a cup just to make sure the engine is running.. I didn't know AKG even made these high end headsets until I ran across the website looking for something else. I have an opportunity to get some for cost... Hence the inquiries.. Going to be hard to beat the A20's, but they aren't perfect.

I used to think that spending a grand on headsets was insane.. But after making that investment 10 years ago I realized it's not wasted money, it's an investment in happier flying. The investment is more than just headsets. Bose has great customer service, the headsets are dependable and they hold a good resale.
I've never owned Lightspeeds but I've used them and have some friends that own them.. And, yes... They seemed to be broken most of the time and feel chincy. Was never a fan of DC's. Maybe I'll have first hand knowledge of AKG's.
I had posted this as a reply to another review thread so copy here for consideration. I want to stress that I think the AKG headset is a fantastic set and it comes down to personal preference when comparing AKG to the Bose set...

I just purchased the AKG AV100 but decided to trade them in (Return them) for Bose A20. It wasnt an easy decision but it ended up being pretty clear to me....

My previous headset was a Bose Aviation X. I thought those sounded good until I put the AKG on. They blew me away. Until I put my A20 on and realized the AKG and A20 were just on another level from my BoseX (make sense, my BoseX are close to 5yrs old!).

Here is what I thought about the AKG set:
-The headset fit is very comfortable.
-The headset itself is very good looking.
- The headset itself has higher quality materials then the Bose A20 - metal headband as an example.

- The cable and control module are very cheap feeling. I was shocked at how cheap the cable and control box felt compared to every other headset in it's class. I was very disappointing with this.

- The cable is VERY long
- The ANR comes with a white noise/Hiss. Similar to Lightspeeds but Bose do not exhibit this. You cant hear the hiss/white noise in any single engine piston airplane but you will hear it in turbine/jet.
- The audio lacked bass - things sounded tin-can like.
- The audio was far superior to Lightspeed Zulu and Zulu 2
- The ANR was on-par with lightspeed 2
- The music quality was fantastic
- the headset case is by far the best headset case on the market - it's like a mini flight-bag!

Why I chose the bose?
- The audio quality sounded much fuller to my ears
- The music quality sounded exactly the same if not a bit fuller to me
- The fit of the headset felt the same as the AKG - this is a very subjective matter though.
- the cable and control module were much nicer and felt would last much longer
- the ANR is indeed superior but I realize that they are so close that anyone who has invested in the AKG and used them for awhile has probably become accustom to the point where any difference between the bose ANR and AKG ANR has been erased from memory.

If I could make a reco, it would be to try both and pick the one that fits the best for you. Because the bose fit like the AKG did for me, I went with what sounded better to me. however everyone I talked to said the AKG fit better for them. If you have small earlobes - the A20s will fit like the AKGs.

Net/Net: Both are great headsets but the A20s are and felt like a known quantity where as the AKGs did not feel as substantial in operation. Also the A20s are a physically lighter headset (though again some claim them to clamp too much which is an absolute deal breaker if you experiance this..if I felt clamping, I would easily go to AKG).
Well, as it happens.... I just 6 sets of AKG100's to evaluate. I've gone from Bose X's to Bose A20's and have been pretty happy with each. Of course the A20's are much better than X's but lack a few features that the AV100's have.

I've only got one short flight on the AKG's, a local memorial flight, so I didn't really get to compare the AKG's to the A20's but next flight I'm going to have them both plugged in and ready to compare.

At first evaluation I do like the LEMO and GA plugs on the cable, the more advanced Bluetooth features, the smaller headband, the deeper ear pads which allow you to where sunglasses without pushing the ear pads out a little, the longer cable, the auto on/off on GA plugs, much nicer bag and extra goodies they come with.

I'll have to do some flying and comparing and post back on this thread. More to come.