
Well Known Member
I have an AK450 ELT. The remote with turn On and Off the ELT however the remote led doesn't light up. I've removed the remote and tested the led and it will light up so the led is not bad. A couple of years ago someone sent me a remote AK switch but the led didn't light up either.

I've tried searching online for the install manual for the 450's but am unable to find it. Does anyone have the manual for the connections to the RJ connectors for each end? I believe the connections for each end of the cable is not a one to one connection like it is on the ACK ELT's.

[email protected]
I happen to have it in front of me now, since I just replaced the remote battery on mine after 8 years.

Per the manual, the "interconnecting wire is a straight wiring configuration, i.e., Pin 1 to 1, Pin 2 to 2, Pin 3 to 3, Pin 4 to 4."

BTW, how do you not have the manual? This info is in there...
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