pierre smith

Well Known Member
This is what it's all about guys.....an RV-4 orphan that Brian adopted last year that had seen three different homes growing up over the past ten years finally matured, according to DAR Frankie Williams from Americus, Ga.


Flight story and video probably this weekend....WOOOHOOO!
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Way to go Brian! Congrats! That's a very nice looking -4 you're gonna have there.

Pierre, you doing the first flight honors?

Yes I am Jamie,
Brian is still a student pilot with over 250 hours, mostly in heavy ultralights. He also has soloed a TD heavy ultralight and his taxiing skills in the -4 seem good so far.


BTW, my Stratomaster Enigma arrived yesterday and I'm totally amazed at the unit! I plan to bring it to LZU Saturday, weather permitting. All I'll need is either a small battery or a charger to operate it.
Thank You

Well yall Pierre did the first flight honors on my -4. Everything went very well. I will say Pierre was a little ,not much but a little nervouse on first flight. He was able to share that RV grin with me and that will always mean alot to me. He has been up one more time since then and everthing is still looking good. I noticed a brake line leak at the landing gear this morning and plan to remove the wheel pant this afternoon to repair.
I dont get on here and share much with people in the forum but you all have been a great deal of help . Most every question I had has already been asked here and that was very helpful.
All of the transition students that have come by during building have been a help also. Larry Morgan ,Pierre"s partner and my friend, Thank you!
Peirre has been a great help , he has allowed me to use his hanger, tools and knowledge and also turned a wrench or two while giving me flying lessons in his -6.
Pierre thanks for helping me fulfill a life long dream.
Cant wait to solo my -4 so excited. Then I will get to grin again.
Oh Yeah

I forgot to mention that this was kit # 2812. Like Pierre said has been around awhile. Also have video I will try to post tomorrow if I can figure how to put it on here. I have been looking at it over and over again.
I am thankfull to the Father up above for all this:

Well yall Pierre did the first flight honors on my -4. Everything went very well. I will say Pierre was a little ,not much but a little nervouse on first flight. He was able to share that RV grin with me and that will always mean alot to me.

Thanks much, Brian. At 62 and having experienced a couple of engine failures over the years, a little nervousness is expected. We did all we knew to do to ensure our/my safety, including chaining the airplane to a post and doing a 2 1/2 minute full power runup. All temps/pressures were closely monitored on the D-180. We figured that amount of time would get the airplane to well over 3000' or more and it did. The power off stall occurred at exactly the bottom of the green. For a taildragger, the -4 is a very docile one, as easy as my old Super Cub to land. The 160 horse Lyc is the optimum engine for this airplane IMO. It flew hands-off level, only needing a little right rudder.

Congratulations to Brian and all of you guys for the advice while building this joy.

Operating Limitations

One thing you might want to look at in the operating limitations is NO AEROBATICS! Frankie stuck that one on me and I did not catch it until it was too late. He put it in there for both phase 1 and phase 2.

I was so excited to get the airworthiness certificate I did not read the fine print at the time. Who would have thought you would restrict an RV to no aerobatics? I plan to go see him to find out what we can do to correct this.
Sorry for not warning you.

Jerry Isler
RV4 N455J
C140A N9641A
Phase test

Hi Jerry,
Let me know what you come up with I will need mine changed also. I was not paying attention to the print either.
Thanks Brian
Hi Jerry,
Let me know what you come up with I will need mine changed also. I was not paying attention to the print either.
Thanks Brian
As of a few months ago, DARs are now authorized to "amend" airworthiness certificates and operating limitations (if authorized by their FSDO).
BTW, when I do a certification, I read the operating limitations aloud and require the applicant to sign them stating that he/she understands them.
No acro?

I might have to actually read mine...Maybe trim it for level flight inverted and then read 'em...:D