
Well Known Member
Yea!! S/N 120366 has just passed its Airworthiness Inspection and will be in the air soon.:D I only have a few minor squawks to take care of before N905RV takes to the air. Of course the weather here in NE Texas will have to cooperate more than it has in the past month.:eek: This has been a fun-filled and rewarding experience in building this beautiful aircraft.:) Steve

Steve, Welcome to the growing fleet of RV-12's in Texas!

I know your flying weather hasn't been much better than ours but at least y'all have gotten some rain. I felt lucky to bounce around in the haze for an hour local today...before I go home and water my poor lawn.

Jim in South Texas
Congratulations Steve, N588DF (120336) passed today with no squawks. I will be moving it to the airport soon.