
Active Member
I am in the process of the FAA performing my AW inspection. After submitting my request and forms, the FAA Inspector, who has never done an ELSA AW inspection, emailed me. He wants a correction done to form 8130-6. Here is the request:

FAA Form 8130-6, Section II, Certification Requested ? Block 9, Light-Sport Airplane box is checked. This box applies to S-LSA

Special-Light Sport Aircraft only, certificated under CFR Part 21.190. Remove the checkmark from this box.

My question is: Do I let him know that Van's is the one that checked marked that box and I would assume that would be correct or do I just do what he wants? If I just change it would it make a difference for my RV-12 ELSA?
Are you sure you are not confusing the 8130-6 form with the 8130-15?

The 8130-15 is what Van's would have supplied you filled out (except the portion at the bottom that you sign).

The 8130-6 is the application for airworthiness which gets completed and signed by the person(s) the airplane is registered to.

And he is correct. If you are applying for an E-LSA Airworthiness, that stands for Experimental Light Sport Aircraft.

So you have to check box 4 (Experimental)
Then sub box 8, Operating Light-Sport
Then sub box 8B, Operating Light-Sport Kit-Built
I am in the process of the FAA performing my AW inspection. After submitting my request and forms, the FAA Inspector, who has never done an ELSA AW inspection, emailed me. He wants a correction done to form 8130-6. Here is the request:

FAA Form 8130-6, Section II, Certification Requested – Block 9, Light-Sport Airplane box is checked. This box applies to S-LSA

Special-Light Sport Aircraft only, certificated under CFR Part 21.190. Remove the checkmark from this box.

My question is: Do I let him know that Van's is the one that checked marked that box and I would assume that would be correct or do I just do what he wants? If I just change it would it make a difference for my RV-12 ELSA?

He is correct. Block 9 should NOT be checked.
Block 4 (Experimental), block 8 (Operating Light-Sport), block 8B (Operating Light-Sport Kit-Built) should be checked.
Doesn't matter who incorrectly checked these blocks. The 8130-6 must be correct.

Not sure why Vans would send you an 8130-6.

Oops; Looks like Scott types faster than I do. It's been a long day.
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Thanks for the valuable input guys. I will take away the check mark in box 9.
I don't know why, but the 8130-6 was sent to me with section 1 (with the exception of box 1 & 4) and section 2 filled out by Van's.
Your right Mel, it doesn't matter who did it, it just needs to be correct when submitted to the FAA. That is why I submitted the question, because I want the process to go smoothly but correct.
Again, thanks Scott and Mel.
I recently received my documents package. It contained 8130-15 with instructions that it is for the DAR. I also received 8130-6 with no instructions. It was filled out and block 9 has Airplane checked. The other blocks are per Scott's and Mel's post.
You are very lucky to have a FSDO willing to do your inspection. Baltimore will not even consider doing one.