
Well Known Member
I went throught my airworthiness inspection today and it all went well.

So RV 12 124BJ has its Airworthiness Certificate dated today. . Thanks to Vans for helping with the paperwork. They went the extra mile to help me out on this.

I did the first startup on Saturday ,taxi tested on Sunday. That all went well also.

Brad Stiefvater
Salem SD
Well Done Brad! Make sure and keep us all posted as to how she flies!

Happy flying and congratulations.

It's wonderful seeing the pay off for hard work. Not only from the builders but also from the research and development team at Van's.
I have finished the wings, tail cone and am half way done with the fuselage. Pictures like this give me motivation to continue on.
One question... the main gear wheels seem to turn under slightly even with a full load. Is there a reason for this?

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SD Rest Stop?

OK, Brad it's been a LONG time since I've been to South Dakota. The Tee Pee looking structure in the background of your photo reminds me of some photos we took many years ago at a rest stop while traveling through your state. Do all (or most) of the rest stops along the interstate have these structures? Or is there only one?
If you don't mind telling us, what airport are you taxiing on? (I was going to say flying from, but I guess you haven't flown her yet!)
yes that is the I 90 rest area in the back ground. It is at my private grass strip.

That picture was taken on zoom so it looks tipped but is not .When I first saw the picture I saw the same thing. Also looks like a wear REALLY thick glasses but i dont. Wife took the picture from my yard I live 3/4 mile away from the rest area.

Brad Stiefvater
So is this the only rest area that has a Tee Pee structure along I-90 or are there several? As I remember, we were traveling from east to west along I-90 and the rest area was on the north side of the interstate.

P.S. I got on Google Earth and...nice place you got there, Brad!
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