
Active Member
Hello all,

I'll be attending Oshkosh for the first time. Planning on Homebuilt Camping for the duration. Anyone know how parking works? If I preferred to be closest to the flightline, or as far away as there a way to request that? Or is it just random based on your arrival time? Do they fill up HBC from back to front or from front to back? Anyway to coordinate camping next to a friends airplane.

HBC fills up front to back, so your arrival time dictates what row you'll be in. There's no verbal communication with the volunteers leading you to your spot...just your HBC placard in the windscreen.

My experience last year was that I came in at least three days after my friend, and we were only separated by three rows or so.
My experience is that you can waive the parking guy to the side of your airplane and make a special location request. Unless they are slammed, they will try to accommodate you.

As far as parking by your friend, unless you come in together, it'll be tough to arrange.