
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Placeholder for RV folks to put URLs to their photo galleries and videos. I will be spotlighting these on the front page of VAF throughout the week.

My pics from OSH 2012

As always, I wish I would have taken more, especially of the people.

I especially like this one. Chicago early Sunday morning from 10,500' northbound.


It was great see all my friends and meeting tons of new ones. I can't wait until next year!
My First Flight to AirVenture

Leaving Homebase

After a fuel stop in Ohio, I too flew past Chicago and then landed in PWK for "Platinum Fuel"! or at least it must have been because it cost $8.25 Gal :mad: small price to pay to visit family :)


Then we flew this approach....this is what my navigator saw....her name starts with a V too....but better looking and cooks good :D




I parked here:

and when I was done and ready to go home, this guy told me the runway was all mine!
Say, Tony..

The first picture of the flight at 10,500..above Chicago's Class B. prompts me to ask why some controllers don't like for us to overfly their Class B's.

Guys have gone over ATL and other Class B's. Why is that a problem?

I got a little carried away building a web log of my AirVenture 2012 experience. Approx 140 pictures. AirVenture is always good but this year was one of the better ones thanks to the Van's tribute. Link
Oshkosh Salute to Vans Aircraft Video is available for viewing.

If you you missed the "Theater in the woods, Salute to Vans Aircraft" here it is! In this video you will see Van receive the presidents award from Rod Hightower. You will see a clip of the Falcon flight of 40 in formation and a rare glimpse of Van inside the cockpit on the last leg of the 12000 mile RV-1 journey. Also on film is the legendary Paul Dye with opening comments. More videos coming daily... - including all of the Vans Aircraft meetings and forums at Airventure 2012. Enjoy - George Ford EAA Chapter 1111
Sorry Pierre, missed your question until now. I doubt controllers care if you overfly the Bravo, but if you are overflying the departure route (or arrival route), they might get miffed. In that case case, they have to stop traffic from climbing or descending as usual in an attempt to miss you. This creates a bit more work and could make the job more complex because aircraft are then bunching up when they can normally keep a good flow going. Not to mention required traffic calls! :D.

If you regularly fly over a particular Bravo, research the standard departures/arrival routes, that way you can avoid the busiest fixes.
If you you missed the "Theater in the woods, Salute to Vans Aircraft" here it is! In this video you will see Van receive the presidents award from Rod Hightower. You will see a clip of the Falcon flight of 40 in formation and a rare glimpse of Van inside the cockpit on the last leg of the 12000 mile RV-1 journey. Also on film is the legendary Paul Dye with opening comments. More videos coming daily... - including all of the Vans Aircraft meetings and forums at Airventure 2012. Enjoy - George Ford EAA Chapter 1111

Good video! Thanks for posting.
James Clark! You're still my hero!! Glad more people will get to meet you because of this video. Nice job done by all involved!

Worth a 1,000 words...

If ever a picture was worth a 1000 words...
[Clip from Cipher's video forwarded to me by HumptyBump.]

I must be missing something. It is still blocked for me. I did refresh.

OK, the link in post 20 works. The link in post 21 does not.
Scott and Deb's OSH 2012 Trip Pics

The highlight of our trip to OSH this year was without a doubt (for me anyway) the ride in "Turbo's" R44 helicopter. I got to sit up front AND fly!! :D Many, many thanks to Turbo for taking us along.


Here is a link to a short video Deb shot while we were flying in the R44.

Our "After the Deluge" pic. Deb and I had been walking around the grounds Thursday morning before the storm when we decided to head over to the EAA Museum around 1:00 o'clock for a little air conditioning.... After looking around for a few hours, we decided it was time to head back to the main grounds. When we got to the museum exit and looked outside, we could not believe our eyes--the storm was in full force and you couldn't see more than a few feet. We couldn't even open the door to go outside. We both looked at each other and realized we had left the tent fly unzipped on both sides....:( :mad:


After a couple hours emptying, disassembling, repairing, drying, and reassembling our tent, we were sweating like pigs...again. Moral of the story--ALWAYS zip up your tent before you leave for the day. Even if you think it's going to be a sunny day.

We uploaded a bunch of pictures from our trip to Wisconsin in a Picasa web album. We spent the first three days up in Rhinelander visiting the boss's camp on Two Sisters Lake. The rest of the week we camped in HBC with the sea of RVs.
