Wow again

Randy did you make that video? :confused: I just watched it for the fifth time. :eek: It's one of the best short videos I've ever seen on Osh. Makes me want to start packing for next year.:D
Not My Video

Sorry if I mislead everyone. This is not my video. I have no such talent.

This production belongs to Slick Hutto. As I understand he is a senior in highschool and competes in IAC competion. A young man of many skills.

Sorry again.
Don't be sorry, be happy

Don't be sorry Randy. No apologies necessary here. I think everyone is really happy you posted it. I know I am.:)
oshkosh 2009 video

With the sad feeling due to the end of osh2009 surfing into the web I found this video, take a look it's well done.

Snif.... next time I have to stay all week long

ps: thanks to all people that I met, now a lot of them is not only a nickname
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awesome video

This video is awesome!!!! Is it going to be available somewhere besides YouTube? I haven't been to OSHKOSH yet but this helped me feel a little bit of what the "big" picture is like....I would love to see your unedited footage-Thanks:D
Anybody know how to download this video to their computer? Id like to have a copy of it!!

nevermind... I got it. I also contacted him asking if he'd be interested in selling me the un-compressed (full HD) dvd of this video. Also mentioned alot of ppl on here might be interested in the same. So, if anyone IS interested in one... shoot me a PM so I can get a count and see if we can spark this kids interest! :)
The video is fabulous...

It so-o-o-o-o well captures the excitement of Oshkosh. The downside is it depresses the heck out of me to think I have to wait a WHOLE YEAR before I can go do that again.
osh dvd

nevermind... I got it. I also contacted him asking if he'd be interested in selling me the un-compressed (full HD) dvd of this video. Also mentioned alot of ppl on here might be interested in the same. So, if anyone IS interested in one... shoot me a PM so I can get a count and see if we can spark this kids interest! :)

i might be interested in one.
nevermind... I got it. I also contacted him asking if he'd be interested in selling me the un-compressed (full HD) dvd of this video. Also mentioned alot of ppl on here might be interested in the same. So, if anyone IS interested in one... shoot me a PM so I can get a count and see if we can spark this kids interest! :)

PM Sent! I want a copy :D
That was a cool video. At the lifetime members banquet, Tom Poberesny put it something like "Those who have not been to Airventure, can't describe it. And those who have been to Airventure can't describe it."
You almost feel kind of sorry for those who don't really understand.:(
Also, PM sent for video

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
Wow - I'd like a copy

nevermind... I got it. I also contacted him asking if he'd be interested in selling me the un-compressed (full HD) dvd of this video. Also mentioned alot of ppl on here might be interested in the same. So, if anyone IS interested in one... shoot me a PM so I can get a count and see if we can spark this kids interest! :)

Please put me on the list for a copy.....packing now for next year!

PS - how did you download the video? :)