
Well Known Member
I'm curious what the general feeling is for those who either have private grass strips or use public airports in areas with heavy waterfowl populations. How concerned are you about bird strikes with ducks and/or geese? I am planning on building a grass strip on our farm in a few years, but we are in the central flyway of South Dakota and have heavy duck and geese traffic. Should I reconsider doing this or not let it be a show stopper?
This is certainly a consideration. These birds should certainly be a factor in your decision.
My strip is near the harbour. The main bird population is sea gulls, thousands of them and year round every day. So far I find them very carefull fliers. They always dive below you, so never go under them. You have to be carefull. They are usually in groups so the are fairly easy to see.
I haven't found an airport yet that didn't have water fowl to some extent. I don't fly in the desert though. I landed in south Georgia the other day with my wife and she was very worried about the 10 cranes fishing just beside the runway. Just keep your eyes open and avoid high speed passes during peak activity.

Build on.
You will likely be crossing migratory routes throughout the country as you fly. Fall and Spring are pretty busy bird traffic seasons in my area, geese and cranes.
Flying into Hutchinson Ks. and landing over the river during migration is always a experience. I have to keep an eye out and push or pull to stay between 'swarms'.
Formations of geese and cranes seem to concentrate from 500-2000' but they can be found much higher on occasion.
I flew through a flock of geese one dark night over a lake some years back, I could see them juking to miss and I just held straight and level until the bird blurs quit, no hits.

Migratory birds are a concern but not a deal breaker for me. Just keep your eyes extra busy.
We have crows and buzzards in north Florida. They are always around the 2,000 foot mark and lower. We watch them closely, but they always dive away from the airplane as we get closer. I've never seen them up high....always in the landing phase when the airplane is slow. I would build the airstrip and be careful on take off and landing.
There are a thread years ago about painting the spinner white with 1/3 red for a "strobe" effect that seems to halp ward off birds. I don't know if anyone has done any research on the subject, but it could not hurt to try.

I fly in the central flyway for water fowl migratory routes, they just seem to get out of the way. Slowing way down when the birds are active seems to allow more time fo them to dive away. Certainly would not prevent me from building a strip, or not flying that day.
There are a thread years ago about painting the spinner white with 1/3 red for a "strobe" effect that seems to halp ward off birds. I don't know if anyone has done any research on the subject, but it could not hurt to try....
I did this, 2/3rds black & 1/3rd silver. Besides looking cool I never hit a bird but then I didn't try to chase any down even though we had enough at Goose Creek airport.

My new spinner will be painted the same way.

Now, if only it worked on trailers. :(

I did notice Bruce has his painted this way. Bruce, any comments.
I did this, 2/3rds black & 1/3rd silver. Besides looking cool I never hit a bird but then I didn't try to chase any down even though we had enough at Goose Creek airport.

Proof positive it works! :D

I have noticed in the -12 (Rotax 912s w/ muffler) the birds get closer even though I'm flying slower. The engine and prop set up is much quieter. Maybe noise has something to do with it also?

I did have a bird strike on take off with the -12. It was one of those little tiny birds getting ready to fly south for the winter. It hit right on the rivet / rib line and cause no damage at all. Just left a little skin & feathers.
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I know a couple of folks who have their own strips around there (I was born in/grew up in Rochester); the waterfowl hasn't been a big deal for them any more than it is for the folks flying in and out of KRST/KONA/KLSE. A bigger hassle in one case was the DNR who had issues with removing some trees on one end of the runway.

You can always post here (or PM me) and I can get some buddies to come up and we can take care of any waterfowl problems (as long as not in city limits). I enjoy a good waterfowl hunt ;-) Dave