
Well Known Member
The POH under limitations list two speeds which are unusual in my experience. The first is Maximum Direct Crosswind Component, 11 KIAS and Maximum Wind Limitation, 30 KAIS.

This is the first aircraft I have flown with a maximum wind limitation and all the other aircraft have had a maximum demonstrated cross wind speed (which is not a limitation).

So I am taking these two speeds as limitations. Is that correct? Also what is the reason that they are limitations? Is it because of the light weight of the aircraft? Is it because of the certification standards?

Thanks in advance for the information.
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I certainly respect the 30kt overall limit - the 12 is very light and much less stable on the ground in strong winds than my previous aircraft (Twin Comanche and Aerostar). But the the crosswind limit is on the conservative side, which is not necessarily a bad thing. You shouldn?t get into any trouble up to 11kts. But I?ve found with practice that I can now handle quite a bit more.

I once landed (in a Piper Arrow) in a 50 Kt wind right down the runway following the thumb rule of half the wind and all the gust added to approach speed. The RV is so light I would not press my luck beyond 11 KTS crosswind component. Like Dirty Harry said, ?Do you feel lucky??