
Well Known Member
This past weekend the guy in the hanger next to me decided to take his RV-7 to someone in the DC area for some work. He told me while going there he violated the adiz airspace and wondered what he should do. I confirmed that he was travling in the ADIZ since he was following I-95. I also assume that the airspace goes from surface to 18,000 ft. He did have his radio on however he could not talk to the tower. Well needless to say he has a problem. So should he file a nasa report and throw himself on the mercy of the fed's or just shut-up and ignore it.......?:eek:

I opt for the shut-up option.......:D

P.S - I didn't know the RV could go 65-70 without an engine.......;)

Have him file the NASA form ASAP! They don't turn the report in to the FAA. If the FAA comes to him, he'll have proof that he filed the NASA form, and it MIGHT keep him out of trouble. With ADIZ violations, there's no telling what will happen, but he has nothing to lose by filing the NASA form, and everything to gain by doing so. Tell him to do submit it online so it files immediately. Make sure he prints out a copy for himself and the confirmation report.
He would have been contacted when he landed. If they were interested in him they would have had law enforcement there waiting.

File the NASA report just to be safe.
Have him file the NASA form ASAP! They don't turn the report in to the FAA. If the FAA comes to him, he'll have proof that he filed the NASA form, and it MIGHT keep him out of trouble. With ADIZ violations, there's no telling what will happen, but he has nothing to lose by filing the NASA form, and everything to gain by doing so. Tell him to do submit it online so it files immediately. Make sure he prints out a copy for himself and the confirmation report.
What Craig says! The NASA report does not go to the FAA in any way shape or form. Have him file the report!
Another misconception is that filing a NASA report will prevent a violation. It will not prevent a violation, it will preclude any sanctions by the FAA. You can still end up with something on your record.
OK, I admit it! I am the sucker of the day!
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What's the procedure for reporting if he doesn't have a registration number yet? Somehow, I think he's going to be in big trouble for this! ;):rolleyes:
File the NASA

As mentioned file the NASA report If he is a member of AOPA he may also want to contact them for legal advice rather than listen to me.

As we speak they are probably running him down via a code that transponders put out that they can trace. I have a friend that did not check NOTAMS and flew right on the edge of a Presidential TFR in the Houston area. He is a West Point grad/retired Colonel, Viet Nam vet, and Purple Heart recipient.

It took them a few days to contact him but all that he has done for the country didn't keep them from pulling his ticket for a month or so! It was his transponder that they were able to trace.

So something probably is happening at the "speed of government" that your friend will hear about at some point in time. Tell him to make sure he has all his paperwork in order, In the plane AERO, and his Medical, License, Log Book entries for currency etc.
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By the way, he may still be in trouble if the local authorities go after him for busting the trailer speed limit.:p

Now, how many more people will still bite? This has made my day twice, now.
Hook, line, and sinker

Inhale folks - notice the last line said "I didn't know a RV could go without an engine".

Hook, line, and sinker.....he's reeling them in....would have thought it was April 1st.

So, does this mean if Van's ships inside an ADIZ, do they have to file a flight plan on the box containing the future plane?

I'm glad I caught it, but it shows how many of us don't always register what we are reading. Or at least read between the lines. Funny stuff. So was that a AM or FM radio he had with him?
As someone who flys from an airport inside the DC ADIZ.....I enjoyed the fib and only wishing I had come up with that one myself.

This is one thread I'll have to relate to my local flying buddies.

Squawking 1200 down the highway would have been hilarious as he was followed by an F16 and Blackhawk.
I don't think that not having an engine is the issue. After all a glider could violate the ADIZ. I think he is ok unless the trailer bounced and all the wheels of the plane left the trailer bed simultaneously and the plane was therefore airborne.
As someone who flys from an airport inside the DC ADIZ.....I enjoyed the fib and only wishing I had come up with that one myself.

This is one thread I'll have to relate to my local flying buddies.

Squawking 1200 down the highway would have been hilarious as he was followed by an F16 and Blackhawk.

Would be funny to watch, not much they could do, besides provide a free airshow:D

Thank you for all of your responses. I found out today there were actually three pilots involved in the infraction. Two of them were together and another went past them in a sporty thing real fast giving them the thumbs up. Anyway I counseled them and they promised to file next time they go. One of them did inform me that they did have 1200 in the radio......I promptly told him that was his biggest problem since it should not have been in the radio. But he said the bumpy ride took out the other thing that 1200 goes into.:eek: