
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Louise has to go out to Grand Canyon NP for a week of business (starting the 19th of April), and I am planning on flying out on Thursday the 22nd to join her for a couple days of cave exploring, and to bring her home (she'll go out in the SWA aluminum mailing tube). I'm going to need a place to park the RV and rent a car for a couple of days - anyone in the area have any current knowledge of a good airport to use to accomplish this?

South rim, I assume??

Was just there last week.

There is an airport right next to the main gate +/- mile or two. Dont know about a rental car at this location.

Otherwise, Flagstaff or Williams. Both about an hour drive to the park.

We have been into GCN a couple of times, nice airport, nice FBO. I am pretty sure they have rental cars brought up from Flagstaff. I checked on it one time and they didn't have cars on the field. May have changed since then, it was 3 or 4 years ago. It is handy to the NP only a few miles away. The next bet would be Flagstaff and a drive to the canyon.
So you gonna wave when you go by this time.....:D or you could go a little out of the way and have lunch?
One more thing---

By the way, stop off and watch the I-Max film at the visitor center (or whatever it is) between the airport and the main entrance.

This is an absolute must see.
Make sure you swing over to 40G Valle


If you want all the ammenities and convenience, then KFLG is the way to go. The drive from Flagstaff to the Canyon is scenic. I fly into Flag on a monthly basis and Wiseman Aviation will take care of you.

Like others have mentioned, Grand Canyon itself should be fine.

Make sure to fly into the Valle airport (40G), check out to see the museum. I think they rotate their warbirds from site to site.
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Valle or GCN or FLG?

Thursday the 22nd to join her for a couple days of cave exploring, and to bring her home (she'll go out in the SWA aluminum mailing tube). I'm going to need a place to park the RV and rent a car for a couple of days - anyone in the area have any current knowledge of a good airport to use to accomplish this?

I Emailed Norm Gobeil at Valle Airport and forwarded a request for a hanger.
Maybe under the wing of the Ford Tri-motor! I know they have a courtesy van but the rental cars are at KFLG and KGNC
For KFLG I also might have a shade for you and Val in the West-plex.
I will be back on the 20th so this timing may just work out.
I'll sweeten the KFLG pot; I can move stuff around in my hangar (large Tee) to accommodate your RV. There's a ton of room since the largest part built so far is the HS. The -6A is in a different hangar. This even gives you access to tools should (Gods forbid) the need arise.

Should you (and why wouldn't you?) wish to flight-see, I can lend you a Grand Canyon chart. Mentioned elsewhere, Valle is a nice destination and the owner, John Seibold, is aviation friendly. Aside from hosting a Planes of Fame museum, he also has his restored Tri-Motor (in Grand Canyon airlines livery) along with other vintage aircraft on the field. Add a host of vintage cars and it makes for an interesting stop.

What a great offer and good information. Paul is on console right now but will probably get back to you later tonight.
Thanks for all the inputs (and kind offers) guys! I'll take a look when we get closer to the trip, and get in contact with Patrick and Brad - sounds right now like renal car availability will be the biggest driver, and KFLG sounds pretty concrete for that.

Louise is workign the arrangements for what we'll do at the Canyon - she has spent years exploring caves in the area, and has her favorite spots I am anxious to see.

grand canyon

If you have the time ,fly into Cedar City or St.George (car rental at both ). Cedar Breaks National Monument and Zion National Park are on that side of the canyon. You can also access the north rim (Torawep ??) via dirt road thru Hurricane.