Is there an airport near Boise where I could throw and tent down and camp for the night?


I live in Boise. The local GA airports are at Nampa and Caldwell, which are about 15 to 20 miles West of Boise. I would be surprised if you could pitch a tent at either one, but you might be able to stay in someone's hangar if that is allowed.

Otherwise, the only airports that I know have camping are in the backcountry.
How near is near? I can think of a few outlying ones that might not care, but conditions would be dreadful.

Garden Valley is 30 miles north of Boise, not a difficult strip but it still is in the mountains. It's a prime set-up developed for airplane camping.

John Siebold
Boise, ID
I sent you a PM. I have a hangar at Caldwell. I just asked the airport manager and she said no camping. It would be pretty HOT there in the summer anyway. Give us a bit more info on your plans and we can probably make something work out.
I'll second Garden Valley. Showers, courtesy car, good food in town, hot springs, fishing, and just a pretty spot.
There used to be a beautiful one right along the river not too far from downtown. It was called Strawberry Glenn and it was where I started my flying lessons back in the mid 70's. Lots of people would camp and fish there.

Unfortunately, it is all covered in houses now. The only remnants are the power line balls across from the Bee's baseball stadium that used to be on final.

Idaho City might be an option. For supreme camping, Johnson Creek isn't that far away.
might try.....

Gooding or Jerome I've stayed at Gooding once and saw someone else another trip thru. Might give them a call and talk with someone.
i'm thinking about going around and camping while on my way to OSH.
JOhnson creek is probably one of the places i'd like to checkout that would be one of the safer places to get into with the RV8. I have plenty of mountain flying experience, but this is probably on one of the extreme levels of mountain flying. With just myself and a little over 1/2 tanks and some bags I will be pretty light.
How is this airport for RVs?
i'm thinking about going around and camping while on my way to OSH.
JOhnson creek is probably one of the places i'd like to checkout that would be one of the safer places to get into with the RV8. I have plenty of mountain flying experience, but this is probably on one of the extreme levels of mountain flying. With just myself and a little over 1/2 tanks and some bags I will be pretty light.
How is this airport for RVs?

I don't think I'd call Johnson Creek an "extreme level of mountain flying". Lots of other Idaho airports are much more challenging. Should be no issue in an -8. You can even leave the wheel pants on.
As long as the weather is VFR, Johnson Creek is a pretty easy airport to get in and out in an RV. My 160hp O-320 RV-6 has done well there, even on a warm day taking off loaded full of camping gear.

As to camping away from the mountains, Gooding is a very nice airport were you could camp. I think they even have showers in the pilots lounge building. Last year, we got stuck just south of the mountains due to weather and stayed overnight at Gooding. They even gave us hangar space overnight for 3 RVs for free and we took the courtesy car to a neat little family-run motel called the Y- Inn on US30 in Bliss just a few miles west of the airport.
Mountain Home Muni just on the edge of town. Its about 40 miles east of Boise just off I-84. There are/were picnic tables, a grassy area & courtesy car. Remember seeing tents there on occasion. DISCLAIMER: I left Mountain Home almost 10 years ago and everything may have changed but worth checking out. Mountain Home Air Force Base is 10 miles south of town with a huge stable of F-15E Strike Eagles but they stay clear of town so there shouldn't be a conflict with those guys.