
Well Known Member
I know of the folks here, some have been, or possibly are airport managers, or FBO owners or managers. Our local airport just got rid of the FBO (let's not get into why, doesn't matter) and now the Airport Authority is running the show. Some changes are afoot that have several folks up in arms.

Can someone point me towards some rules / regulations as to what an airport authority (no FBO) can allow and/or prevent to happen on a publicly-owned airport? FAA regulations? Other?

Been there. I've got a 130mb "Airport" file on this home computer and Lord only knows how much on the office machine.

FAA Order 5190.6A, "Airports Compliance Handbook" would be a good place to start. Send me an standard email and I'll send you a copy.
The biggie is if they are getting FAA AIP funding. Check your state aeronautical DOT website to see if they get AIP funding.

Per Dan's suggestion, look here:


Are you at HKY?
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Thanks guys, that was some seriously FUN reading. Ron, the airport in question is an AP-4 and has rx'd AIP funding.

5190.6A was quite informative. Some things are still open to interpretation though. So, what constitutes and"Airport?" Runway and taxiways? Hangars? Common use facilities (where and FBO would otherwise reside.)

As usual...

Thanks guys, that was some seriously FUN reading. Ron, the airport in question is an AP-4 and has rx'd AIP funding.

5190.6A was quite informative. Some things are still open to interpretation though. So, what constitutes and"Airport?" Runway and taxiways? Hangars? Common use facilities (where and FBO would otherwise reside.)


...the FAA provides definitions...:)

You just need to go to page 32 (of the PDF file) of the third section of the document -


Have you contacted Al Bormouth and the rest of 731?

Let me know if we can do anything to help. 309 has run into some problems with our local airports and their rules, like banning building and maintenance in their hangars.
Hi Bill!

Thanks Bill. I'm actually now the President of 731. Al and Bradley attended the meeting with me yesterday as EAA board members. Three other chapter members were present and are up to speed.

Since you brought it up, I would like to get to know "my neighbors" a bit better. I would like to try and attend the next meeting you guys have, if I'm in town.

At the very least, I think a collection of what other area airports are encouraging on their fields will be beneficial. I'll contact you off-line.


You should write a book on how not to run an airport. Most of the local pilots refuse to go there because of all the BS.
FAA 5190.6A

I am currently involved in a battle between the county and the FBO operator who has been at my airport for over 20 years with a lease that states he " leases all properties" know as Campbell County Airport. To make a long story short, we recentley recieved a 90/10 grant to build T-Hangars. The FBO decided he would set a rental rate that was much higher than any other airport of our similar size and activity within a 100 mile radias. When I approached the county and objected the FBO operator did everything in his power to keep me from getting one of the only 8 T-Hangars we have on the property.

I have found that Tennessee is an FAA block grant state and so you have to appeal to the state for help. As with most things the state is not very interested in what happens at small county airports as long as they keep receiving federal funds.

The moral of the story is: Politics as usual. Be careful whos toes you steep on.
Dad, I am not an expert on this but EXCLUSIVITY may be grounds for declaring the airport in non-compliance with FAA grant assurances.