
Well Known Member
Since the beginning of my project, I chose to build my RV-7 in a very public way by documenting every step of the project (including the mistakes I've made) on my blog. This has been hugely valuable as builders from around the world have caught a number of issues both large and small or have challenged me to get a second opinion on something. Now, as I get ready for meeting with my DAR in a few weeks, I'd like to do the same thing for the inspection of my plane. To that end, I'm hosting an Airplane Inspection Party at my hangar at the San Martin Airport (E16) in San Martin, CA this Saturday, January 18th between 10am and 5pm. Feel free to stop by for as much or as little of that time as you want. I?ll have the BBQ grill running and plenty of snacks and cold drinks. If you plan on coming during lunch, please let me know so I can get enough food.

I want to get as many eyes on the plane as I can before the final inspection, and I promise to post every issue that is found to help other builders have a better idea what to look for during an inspection.

My hangar is H-23. There is a small amount of parking on that row, but most will want to park in transient and walk down.

If you need to reach me, my cell is 408-368-0690.

Thanks, and I hope to see many of you there.
Very cool idea, if I was closer I would come visit even though I wouldn't be able to provide much insight.

I do think this kind of thing helps yourself and your plane be as safe as possible, along with sharing with others to hopefully be safer.

I plan to do something similar when I get to that point.
Not to steal the spotlight from any of Jason's effort......but I'll be down the row in H-31, working on the last few squawks before flight test. (Or maybe I'll be at his hangar, looking at a different "to-do" list. :D )

Airworthiness inspection - done
Transition training - scheduled
hi Jason... i would love to make the short hop, but i have a tentative "mission" already for that day. we'll see. i glanced at your website, and it sure looks like you have a quality build, soon to be airplane. ;)

i thought i would pass along a couple of things i wish i had known about at your stage. i believe yours is unpainted like mine was.

i had oil all over the belly, which will get sucked/siphoned into the rivets and seams along the belly unless you do something about it. the external oil can be wiped easily, but some of the oil that gets inside is much harder to clean out.

some options are an air/oil separator or even some judicious use of tape along seams. just an FYI.

I've been following you since I started building. I cant wait to hear about a successful first flight! If it were closer (or work had me in the area) I'd be there. Good luck on the inspection and subsequent certification!
Its a good idea Beav.

If you can hook an A&P with a burger on a fishing line thats all the better. :D

Give the visitors some sort of method to note the squawks. Like a sharpie with tags or tape or a clipboard or something.

I did it twice. Got 6 to 10 things to change in total. Later FAA review was flawless and Phase 1 was as problem free as one could expect.
No promises Beav - but I have to e at Livermore that evening, so if I get out of Dayton early, I might drop by. It's a great idea to have an inspection party - might be a good story in it.

I've been following you since I started building. I cant wait to hear about a successful first flight!

Completely agree! Good luck and I'll be checking out your site for squawks as I am right behind you in my progress and hoping to leverage your findings into my project.
Great idea, and one which I fully intend to steal when the time comes.

Don't forget to do a thorough post-inspection-party inspection. With a bunch of people crawling all over your plane, who knows what may or may not be inadvertently tweaked.
Great Idea! I did something like that, invited several builders and mechanics over to look it over. Gave each a pad of paper and a pen and told them where I would be when they were done. Worked out well.

Please tell everyone not to be nice! Tough love is good?..
Morgan Hill

We lived in Morgan Hill for a few years early in our married lives. So I know the San Martin airport. Love to drop by but now we live in Seattle. So I guess I can't. Good luck!
I'm still working on my wings so I don't know how much I can offer but I
would like to see your plane so I will come by late morning.
I'll be there!

Hey Jason ... thanks for the invite; I'm planning on coming down in the morning. Your blog has been super helpful for my -7 build, and I look forward to thanking you in person ... and to meeting other NorCal RV'rs as well
Jason, I can't wait to see her fly. Good luck with your condition inspection. I had 4 other RV builders do the same. Your meticulous. Everything will be fine. Make sure you post some pics/videos of first flight for those of us on the other end of the U.S.
I'm hosting an Airplane Inspection Party at my hangar at the San Martin Airport (E16)

Aloha Jason, hope to get a hall pass and zip down from o88 to check out your project!
inspection party

Aloha Jason you have a great looking bird, it was nice to meet all the others who stopped in to check it out:D
I had a great turnout at the party today; roughly 40-50 pilots and builders stopped by over the course of the day. Overall, the inspection went very well. Nothing major was found, but there were a number of small items people caught (some of which I knew about and some I didn't). I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who made it out.

The day started with my transponder certification and pitot/static check. The transponder check passed with flying colors, but I had a leak in my pitot system.


Unfortunately, the leak turned out to be in the wing root fittings where I didn't quite get one of the pieces of tubing fully seated. In the process of trying to seat it, the tubing popped out and I had essentially no access to get it back in. This was really the wrong place to put these, so I'm probably going to have to pull new lines through the wings and make the connections under the pilot's seat. Do yourself a favor and avoid all wiring and tubing connections between the fuselage and wing on the RV-7; there is simply no room to work in there.


Now, on to the things that were caught during the inspection. Let's start with a few things that were squawked, but are not actually issues. A couple of people questioned the mounting of my fuel flow transducer which is simply suspended from the fuel lines. Apparently, there are two versions of the red cube. The earlier one didn't tolerate being rigidly mounted to the engine, but the later one could be mounted like this or to the sump. When I purchased this, I called the manufacturer and they recommended this mounting approach.


Another builder squawked that there was not enough rubber material on the exhaust hangers which would not allow sufficient movement in the exhaust pipe. Larry Vetterman specifies that the stainless steel tubes only be separated by 1/4" inside the rubber tubing, so this is installed as the manufacturer recommends.


Next, let's move on to some things that are actually issues, but I knew about. Someone mentioned that the screws weren't fully installed in the fuel senders. This is because I haven't had a chance to calibrate the fuel tanks. I have to remove this cover plate to do the calibration, so I left the screws loose until this is taken care of.


Another builder noticed that the jam nuts on the empennage bearings weren't torque sealed. Although I modified a tool to fit in here, I wanted to modify it further before torquing these down for good.


Several builders noticed that my brakes weren't safety wired. I had intentionally put this off since I thought I might need to pull the wheels off again, but I don't think I have any need now before first flight.


A builder noticed the torque seal was broken on the inlet to the spider. I had pulled this off before first engine start because I wanted to run some fuel through the line to flush any debris out so that it wouldn't clog the injectors. We hooked the line back up before the engine run, but I didn't put a torque wrench on this then.


When I was doing the final adjustment of the control sticks, I noticed that the torque tube that connects the control stick was slightly rubbing on the seat ribs. The builder that also spotted this said it is worse when people are sitting in the seats, so you really want some clearance here. Fortunately, I made this section removable on all four of these ribs. I'll pull these off and remove some material to get a good 1/8" or so between the ribs and the tube.


Finally, let's move on to the things I hadn't caught. t couldn't get a great picture of it, but a couple of people noticed that the alternator pulley wasn't perfectly aligned with the flywheel. This will not only make the belt wear faster, it also is apparently hard on the alternator bearings.


There are four thread showing on the outer aileron bolt. I'll probably have to add another washer here.


There are also four threads showing on the bolt attaching the pushrod to the elevators horns.


The torque seal was also broken on the manifold pressure hose. I don't recall why I removed this, but I'll need to retorque and seal this.


The cushion clamp anchoring the cable sheathing on the oil cooler butterfly valve wasn't gripping the sheathing well enough and was allowing the cable to move. I'll need to swap out this for a non-cushion type clamp. There was also not enough thread showing on the bolt holding these adel clamps together.


The crankcase breather hose was rubbing on the adel clamps securing wires to the upper engine mount tubing. I'll probably add another adel clamp to this group to keep this from chafing.


Apparently, the top of the gear leg will rust if left unfinished like this. I'll clean it and paint it with the touch up paint that Van's sells to match the powder coat on the engine mount.

Jason, I'm glad the inspection party went well. Always good to have 3 or 4 sets of eyes and sounds like you exceeded that.

I do have a suggestion though. The exhaust hangars work better (and break less) when they are mounted directly to the engine so that it all moves together. Attaching them to the engine mount rigidly is going to cause issues down the line. At least on my RV-6 it was an issue. I moved the mounts to crankcase bolts at the bottom of the engine and they have been much happier.

Second, it's really hard to try to remember all of your "I'll get to that later" items. I used yellow zip tie tags to mark the locations. Worked great.

I called Larry Vetterman about the exhaust hangars a couple of years ago when I saw other people were recommending they be attached to the engine. He said that some of his exhaust designs are supposed to be mounted to the engine and some to the engine mount, and the four-pipe exhaust *must* be mounted as I have done here. Honestly, I can't see why it wouldn't be better to mount to engine as you suggest, but I'm deferring to his expertise here. I'd certainly be interested in hearing from other people with this exhaust who have mounted to both the engine and the engine mount to compare long term experience with both.
First off, great idea!
Second, I'm sorry I missed it. I would of loved to come down and meet you and the others, as well as lend my eyeballs. It certainly never hurts to have as many sets of knowledgable eyes look at things.
I'll be hosting a RV BBQ later this spring, hope you'll be able to make it.
Anybody comment about plastic zip ties in the engine compartment??

Some folks like them, some folks dont.

Anybody comment about plastic zip ties in the engine compartment??

Some folks like them, some folks dont.

All zip ties firewall forward are Tefzel (and blue for easy identification). They have the same thermal limits as the wires they're wrapped around.
Hi Jason,
On post #20, in the last picture...the one of the gear mount, I see two things in the background that stuck out at me.

There is a black box in the background that has what appears to be a nut plate attach point with no nut plate. I cant see the whole box, so I cannot see how it is attached, but it just stuck out for me.

The boot for the solenoid the background isnt covering the terminal well. Seems to just need some wiggling.
4 Pipe Exhaust Support

Jason - regarding your post #22. I also called Vetterman about hanging the 4 pipe exhaust on my 8 from the engine. Clint Busentiz said they had no problems with hanging off the engine mount and it was normal to do it this way. I did however take a crack at hanging off the sump, sent Clint pictures to which he said the installation looked fine, and left it that way. Not yet flying so I can't comment on how it held up.

I'm attaching a couple of pictures of the area. The hangers are a little hard to see because of other stuff now in the way.

An inspection party is a great idea.

For now it might be worthwhile posting a bunch of pictures of my engine installation - once it's finished. I'm always amazed at how folks on VAF spot things that need attention - what a great resource.


On some places where the bolt threads seem too long, perhaps you can use one size shorter bolt. And maybe you can use the thinner washers there too. Both add up to weight savings.

Hi Jason,
On post #20, in the last picture...the one of the gear mount, I see two things in the background that stuck out at me.

There is a black box in the background that has what appears to be a nut plate attach point with no nut plate. I cant see the whole box, so I cannot see how it is attached, but it just stuck out for me.

That is the battery box. There are several pre-punched holes for nut plates, but not all are used. That is installed according to plans.

The boot for the solenoid the background isnt covering the terminal well. Seems to just need some wiggling.

Thanks for spotting that. We pulled that back to hook up an external power source and I forgot to put it back.
Jason - regarding your post #22. I also called Vetterman about hanging the 4 pipe exhaust on my 8 from the engine. Clint Busentiz said they had no problems with hanging off the engine mount and it was normal to do it this way. I did however take a crack at hanging off the sump, sent Clint pictures to which he said the installation looked fine, and left it that way. Not yet flying so I can't comment on how it held up.

Hey Dennis,

If you have the pictures you sent to Clint, I'd like to take a look at them. Did you basically build the hangars like Larry recommends (stainless tubing with 1/4" of spacing between the ends inside the rubber tubing? Are the hangars parallel or do they splay in or out?

4 Pipe Hangers


Yes, I hung the pipes like Larry recommends with the tubes & rubber hose that he supplied except I made a couple hangers (similar to the ones he supplied for the bottom end) to attach to the sump bolts at the top. Tube spacing may be slightly larger than 1/4", but not much. They splay inboard a little to clear the engine mount tubes. I took the last picture today to show the splay. The fire sleeved throttle cable & sniffer valve drain and skat to the heat box on the firewall block the view a little. The first three pictures are the ones I sent to Clint back in Aug 2013.

4 Pipe Hangers - Again


I blew it on attaching the pictures on my last post. Here goes again. First 3 went to Clint in Aug 2013, last one today.
