
Well Known Member
Our Airpark is currently in dispute over some aspects of our existing CC&Rs and I would like to get a sense of what other airparks around the US use to define their collection of dues.

If you live on an airpark and can help with the following questions, please either post or sent an email to gilalex (at)

Thank you -

1. What % of lots are needed to approve a raise of the yearly dues?

2. Does this percentage vary for new assets vs. normal yearly maintainence?

3. Can the Board raise dues with out a resident vote, and are there limits on this?

4. Do you have any CPI built into the dues amount?

But please, just information, not rants about HOAs...:)
1 50%
2 no
3 no
4 no

We have many older leases that limit annual increases to no more than 5%. Newer leases don't have that limitation, but we have been keeping increases to no more than 5% per year so it is the same for everyone.
1. Dues are discussed and set at the annual meeting. The Board makes a recommendation but it is a vote to accept that or any motion to raise or lower

2. No. See above. However, the board can authorize payments from the reserve fund for maintenance items or a "new asset" up to a certain amount without a vote of residents. If it is beyond the limit, a vote is necessary. I have seen it presented as a one time, or multiple year assessment, or a dues increase capped over a number of years, and then relieved or backed off to a lesser amount, also voted on.
Your airpark can not operate if you do not have a reserve fund and the Board authority to make reasonable payments and purchases.

3. No. See 1,

4. No.

Also, a change to CCR's requires a super majority, not a simple
majority. In Washington State, you have to file the change and have all Board members notarize it. Kind of a hassle.
Hey Gil,
Not a Airpark but our HOA. I don't see why there would be a difference.
Annual Assessment can be raised up to 5% per year by the Board.
Anything over that requires a membership vote of 2/3rds attending the meeting with a quorum.
A Special Assessment would also require a 2/3rds vote.
No CPI figured in.

1. Board can raise annual assesement on a vote of board members and its a simple majority of board.
2. No (No percentages involved)
3. Yes
4. CPI ??? whats that?
Our dues are pretty much just what we need to pay insurance and do maintenance. Special assessments are made for bigger projects like tree removal. Everything is voted on by simple majority. Our board keeps track of expenses and makes recommendations for special things. Pretty much the same as other posters.

I am the president of our HOA at Cabincreek Landing. It's a small paved airpark, 20miles west of Kalispell Montana. 97MT is the designator if anyone is interested. I tried to answer your questions in RED imbedded below

25 lots owners, but only a few actually do any work. so we hire mowing, weedspraying, painting etc. Typical HOA issues and squabbles. But we've managed to find a happy medium with dues and getting stuff done.

We base our dues on past expenses and collect an additional 20% over that for a reserve fund. This has allowed us to cover all maintenance items including crack sealing and sealcoats, sealing the Tower etc. Our runway pavement is 15yrs old and the engineer last year said it should easily go another 30 with the maintenance program we use.

Our Airpark is currently in dispute.....Thank you -

1. What % of lots are needed to approve a raise of the yearly dues?
Simple Majority of the members present at the Annual HOA meeting. owners can give a signed proxy to another owner prior to the meeting and we also have members on speaker phone occasionally.

2. Does this percentage vary for new assets vs. normal yearly maintainence? kind of... normal maintenance is covered and foreseeable projects are listed year in advance and all members are included in these discussions. We've been able to get 2/3 vote for these in advance.

3. Can the Board raise dues with out a resident vote, and are there limits on this?yes. The Board is voted in to "take care" of business. It is our job to inform and convince members that responsible spending affects everyones property. We could go cheap and skip maintenance but we will all suffer.

4. Do you have any CPI built into the dues amount?
no. But we watch our balance sheet closely, dues are based on past 5 years expenses and collections.

But please, just information, not rants about HOAs...:)

Good Luck
1) 0% - simple majority of the Board, but the budget is discussed at every HOA meeting before the Board meets, so there are no surprises.

2) NO

3) YES

4) YES
1. Board sets dues at November board meeting. Notice sent out to members before December 1.
3.-No limit on home lots
-max 10% dues increase on hangar lots without 2/3 hangar vote
-special assessment needs 2/3 vote by homes and by hangars
-(hangar dues are for runway common and hangar area, homes dues for runway common and road to homes)
4. NO