
Well Known Member
I rolled out of bed a bit late after a great late night Christmas with the family and friends.......


It was bright and sunny, but that was not the I scrambled out the airport to get some air under my feet. On the way I called for the brief. Airmet for IFR, Airmet for Icing, VFR not recommended...... Really? "It is severe clear here", I pleaded. He asked where I was going - and I told him nowhere fast (giggle-snort) just up to take some pics. He worked with me - "you are in a VFR hole" - the best kind, I thought. We discussed a 30 min flight within 15 miles of KANE and he agreed it was doable. Winds Calm, viz 12 at Anoka.

Got to the Aerodrome, where Alex was finishing his annual and helped me get the plane out - short taxi to 9er and I was off.

There was some scud, but I had some time.....


Some steep turns to warm up the blood and the oil....

Then off to Coon lake to see what the ground pounders were up to. Snowmobiles are the preferred mode of lake crossing.....


Some fishing going on - whole cities spring up....


I think the powerplant up by St. Cloud is causing all these clouds.....

Scud drifting over my airport, time to go home...... 30 mins of bliss....

The track was perfect.....

Happy New Year!!
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Ahhh, Pete, Merry Christmas!

your posts with pictures are uplifting to experience for this plane-less pilot. thanks for taking the time to post and show.
Awesome Pics!

As always Pete your pictures are so nice. How do you get such clarity and lighting.... while flying the plane? ;)
I had thought about going flying as well - cold, clear days are my favorite, but I'll have to wait just a bit longer before I get the RV grin for the first time. Thanks for the inspiration!
Reminds of when I was young and I would do almost that same trip in the J-3 ... on skis! Dang, that was cold.....

Nice shots, as always, Pete!