
Active Member
Has anyone fitted an AirMaster Electric Prop to their RV6 ? And if yes what has been your experience regards fitting and eventual performance ?

I looked at their website. Looks like they are for lower power applications. The only Lycoming listed is the O-235
I contacted AirMaster back in Dec 2019 and was told the following:

"We have in development the AP725, expected to be released second half 2020, which is expected to be a match for the engines you are considering. Available prop diameter can be 72-82 inches depending on blade choice. Blades from either Sensenich or Whirlwind can be used. "

"Cost is expected to be USD12920 for a complete system, plus shipping at around USD400-"

"Expected weight and specifications for this system, is shown on the back of the attached brochure."

The brochure is here, I couldn't figure out how to upload a .pdf, so it is a .jpeg.



Also here: