
Well Known Member
I have been shopping for an Airmap 2000. It disappeared off of Sporty's website. They're saying it's "temporarily" unavailable. Avioncs West is also out of them.

Anybody know if they're chaning over to a new model ? Makes me wonder if I should put the credit card away for a few more weeks.

Airmap 2000C

There's been a rumor for over a year that they're coming out with new model to include XM weather. The company won't give any information. They said to watch their website, , for an announcement.
Try here

I purchased a 2000C last year from Pilotmall, which we put in a Rans S-6ES. They had the best price at the time. it is a great unit.

I have thought about panel mounting one for my -7, but that technology changes enough that I'm going to wait until next year to decide.
I purchased my 2000c at sun-n-fun back in 2005, it is a good unit for its price. I hope if they release a new version that they will include private airfields into the data base.
I bought mine at OSH this year. Looks like vendors who still have them are discounting them for less than I paid in July. I just checked Sporty's and the price is $630.27. If a new model is released, I hope they offer the rebate for Lowrance owners like they did on the previous models.