
Active Member
I know folks have talked about Airflow and their customer support before, but I had to chime in myself after today's experience. I have to be forthright and say I've had more than one encounter with Don and his crew. I had him tweak the configuration of my boost pump once, and he made the adjustment and didn't charge me anything. I took the FI-101 class (highly recommended if you are a FI know-nothing like I was). I also had Don offer to let me come down and _build_ my _own_ FI system, and you can be assured I took him up on it. So I'll confess right up front to being biased. (Mind you, those experiences are worthy of the good customer service award themselves.)

My engine didn't come with a prop governor, and therefore came with no oil line for the prop. I tried early on to fabricate a stainless line, but was too ambitious with the bends (i.e. I screwed it up) and resorted to using a hose instead. Come time to do the baffles I was unhappy with how tight the fit was where the hose penetrated the baffles, and wanted to try once again to fabricate a stainless line.

I wrote Don at API because I knew he could supply me with stainless tubing and steel fittings. Rather than make a plan to ship stuff up he suggested that (unless getting this done was urgent, and it wasn't) he fly up and just give me a hand. Good grief! A house call?? I thought he was nuts, but once again was not going to turn down a very generous offer.

This weekend worked out good for both of us, and Don was at KTTA close to 11:00am. We got the stuff out of the plane, drove to my house, and got to work. The line is in .. and is beautiful. It is great watching a pro work. He also inspected my FWF work to date and gave a big thumbs up. He did find one tubing bend in the cockpit that really needed to be re-worked, so that'll be fixed immediately. With the work done, we got some lunch and I took him back to TTA to head out.

He brought parts, tools, and will shoot me an invoice when he gets back home. I get a house call _and_ can run a tab. Amazing.

I can't begin to express how much I appreciate Don's help, and the kind of support he and everyone at API has given me. I normally don't crow about your average "good vendor behavior" because .. well .. I expect good vendor behavior. But when someone goes so far above and beyond what is expected I simply have to share the experience.
Glad we could help

Thanks for the kudos Dwight.

Hey, we do what we can to keep our guys happy, plus I got to do 5 cross wind landings Saturday. It's fun to see what our customers are doing and check out their work. And your doing a fine job. Keep it up.

I just wish they had a shop out West. I'd like to take them up on the system tuning but I don't think I'll ever get to their side of the country in the -6A. Still, it works excellently as is and the support via email and forums has been terrific. And since I got to install the system when I built the engine, I can say that the kit is a straightforward install. If you think you'd like to convert to FI, AFP has you covered.