
Well Known Member
Has anybody used the Airflow Performance vertical throttle body with a 6/7/9A? I obviously can't use the Van's bracket as it would interfere with the spacer/bracket assembly that came with the throttle body. But I'm a little unclear as to how the brackets that AP supplied are supposed to work, and their pictures in the installation manual are muddy at best. If anyone can show me some pics of their installation, I'd be very grateful.
I used them on the -10 and it can't be much different. I can't do the pics right now but the larger bracket goes on the mixture side, the smaller on the throttle. You need to fabricate two angles, I made mine from Van's steel bracket that you don't use in this apllication. Run your cables to the servo arms and terminate them at the mixture and throttle using the bearings suppied. Oh, but first install the angles you made on the cables with the nuts. With the throttle on full and the mixture full rich, line up and attach the cables to the horns. Adjust your cables so you get as linear movment as possible and mark the location of the angles on the AFP brackets. I clamped them first to make sure it all worked smoothly. Remove the whole things and bolt up the brackets to the inlet plate for good, drill the angles where you marked them and although you could rivet them, I choose to use screws and all metal lock nuts. Remount the inlet plate, run your cables through your angles, loosly fit the nuts, add your rubber wipers/seals back to the pushrods, install the nut/bearing and bolt it up to the servo control arms. adjust you cables in and out using the nuys on the angles and you should be all set. Confirm you get full even, smooth motion from stop to stop.
I posted the question a while back and Rick was the only respondant. I can only guess that the RV-10 engine mount is huge because the AP supplied brackets won't fit for me at all. ;) I queried Don Rivera about the problem and was told they didn't have a 6,7,9A to use for developing brackets for them. Fair enough, especially as they do much more than RVs.

So, anyway, I finally figured out my own set of brackets. I got an A&P friend to look it over and so I'm confident that it'll work Ok; his only suggestion was getting them welded instead of riveted but he didn't think it would be a problem. So I've documented it on my website and if there's anyone else out there who runs into the same issue you won't have to do the head-scratching I did.

By the way, thanks to Don for quick and honest response. Makes me glad I went with their product.
Sorry 'bout that. Apparently I updated my site right in the middle of a server upgrade by my ISP. It should work now.

Many thanks for the link to your AFP control cable bracket solution. I just discovered today that Van's bracket won't work with my AFP FM-150 F/I on the IO-320 for my RV-6. I found your post and it's pure gold.

Rob Erdos
Ottawa, Canada
Your welcome and thanks for the thread bump. Four years down the road and it's still solid. I felt like a real builder then, not just an assembler.