
Well Known Member
Calling Darwin, Tom, and other Valley RV'ers..........

Do you guys know of a place to buy aircraft products such as can Zinc Chromate Primer, electrical supplies, etc. I'm looking for a place similar to what I used to have at the "Boeing Surplus" in Wichita, KS. Does a place like that exist in the greater Phx-Valley area? I might be headed down this weekend and I might as well make the most of it by picking up some supplies.

Yes, Parts Chick has a lot of stuff in her shop. Just dont expect to get them for Aircraft Spruce Prices. I use Aerozona parts a lot when I need something right away and dont mind paying a higher price to get it right now. If you can save up your orders and order all at once from Aircraft Spruce or Vans, its usually cheaper.
Dont forget to pet Daisy Mae while you are there.
Ear Bending

Yes, Parts Chick has a lot of stuff in her shop. Just dont expect to get them for Aircraft Spruce Prices. I use Aerozona parts a lot when I need something right away and dont mind paying a higher price to get it right now. If you can save up your orders and order all at once from Aircraft Spruce or Vans, its usually cheaper.
Dont forget to pet Daisy Mae while you are there.

And come prepared with an exit strategy, as you will definately get your ear/s bent!
It's good to hear that the business is still going.
A good friend (Doug Donaldson) originally started that business as Aircraft Parts of Arizona (APA) in the late 80's.

I worked for him for a couple of years during the early growth stages of the business. He tragically was killed in a plane crash in 96 and then the business was sold to the current owners.