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Has anyone else noticed your Aircraft Spruce "Cart" is not connected to your login credentials? It seems to be connected to the device.
Depending on where I am, I use my shop computer, home computer or phone. When I need something, I log in and add it to the cart so I wont forget. Unfortunately, I placed an order recently, and found out the hard way. Stuff I needed was still in the cart on a different device. Yes, I know, write it down and use one device. Just curious if I am doing something wrong. I tried logging out then back in. No joy.
Every other vendor keeps the shopping cart no matter what device. Heck, my wife shops Amazon on her phone with my credentials and stuff all ends up in my cart. Easy. I just checkout and it's all there.
Spruce is the only vendor where it doesn't work. So annoying.
They have an option to enable shared carts across devices, look in your accounts settings. Noticed it last week.
ACS cart

They have an option to enable shared carts across devices, look in your accounts settings. Noticed it last week.

This seems to work very well across all devices as long as you are signed in on all devices.
In my experience, if you are signed in to your Spruce account then you can access the cart from any device.
If you are not signed in when you add items to the cart then it will only be visible on that device, until you sign in on that device. Then, it will automatically transfer the items to your signin cart, which allows access from any other device that is signed in.
In my experience, if you are signed in to your Spruce account then you can access the cart from any device.
If you are not signed in when you add items to the cart then it will only be visible on that device, until you sign in on that device. Then, it will automatically transfer the items to your signin cart, which allows access from any other device that is signed in.

I have determined the same. You need to be logged in, same as how Amazon works.