
Well Known Member
I just want to put in a plug for Aircraft Spruce (ACS). I have been in the airplane construction business for 2 yrs completing a project that came with no fasteners, rivets, or any of the hardware Vans kits normally come with. I have made many orders to ACS and I cant remember a single order being messed up in the past 2 years. I usually wait till the last minute before a building session to order and try to get in all the parts I need for that session in one order so Ive come to depend on their fast shipping......Yesterday, I placed an order over the internet and no more that 15 minutes later I got a call from a lady there saying they were packaging my order and had a little problem with a quantity I listed! Thats FAST! After the call, I realized how much I have depended on them with my project. I have sent many dollars their way but I am still grateful. :D
Dittos with ACS. I've ordered 30-40 times from them over the years, and only got one order wrong, a custom coax cable. Once confirmed with photos I emailed them, I got the correct one shipped the same or next day. Even orders placed mid-day seem to get boxed and shipped that evening, and I get them in 2 days because I'm in California, same as their western store.