
Well Known Member
Several weeks ago I was considering buying a Pmag to replace my Lightspeed and put a Pmag and harness in my cart. I resolved my Lightspeed issue and decided not to order and promptly forgot about it. This Friday evening I got an email confirming my order followed immediately by another saying it had shipped. By the time I saw them it was too late to do anything. I called customer service this morning and got a "well, you must have ordered it but you can return it" speech. When I complained about the shipping it was "tough, but I'll forward it to management." Hopefully "management" will do the right thing. I've abandoned a lot of carts but never had one trigger by itself. I don't know what's different about the Spruce cart that allows it to happen. Be forewarned and empty your cart.
Spruce will keep your cart if you're signed in .. so if you're signed out and browse the site adding to your cart and then sign in it will merge them together .. almost got me more than once!

Never had a cart auto order. Easy to fix. Delete any saved payment methods.
I actually find it very useful. If something is needed, I log in and put it in the cart for the next order. Same with other vendors. My memory ain't as good as it used to be and little notes kept getting lost.
Spruce lets you have more than one cart that remain persistent over logins, and I have had multiple carts loaded up and left them sitting many many times without anything like this. I suspect it's a one-time glitch or inadvertent "purchase" activation .

But I also never have it save my payment info. Given how many sites get hacked and credit card numbers stolen, it just seems prudent.
Spruce lets you have more than one cart that remain persistent over logins, and I have had multiple carts loaded up and left them sitting many many times without anything like this. I suspect it's a one-time glitch or inadvertent "purchase" activation .

But I also never have it save my payment info. Given how many sites get hacked and credit card numbers stolen, it just seems prudent.

Same for me. I always keep stuff in the cart waiting to add more. I hate buying $20 worth of hardware and pay their enormous $15 shipping fee. I therefore add stuff for a month until it gets where I think it is worth the shipping. Never had anything auto purchase but also never have any site retain my credit card info.
I never leave a store's website with anything remaining in the cart. I use a spreadsheet to keep track of my next order. With Spruce, I always use PayPal to pay for it. Some time ago, I had my card data stolen immediately after I'd placed a Spruce order. Could have been a coincidence. But it didn't happen again until I placed another and then my replacement card info got stolen. of course that, too, could have been a coincidence. So now it's PayPal for them. Haven't had a problem since.

Same for me. I always keep stuff in the cart waiting to add more. I hate buying $20 worth of hardware and pay their enormous $15 shipping fee. I therefore add stuff for a month until it gets where I think it is worth the shipping. Never had anything auto purchase but also never have any site retain my credit card info.

$ 15 bucks , WOW how lucky you are. The order shipped today has a $68 Canadian freight charge. Nothing special in it and hopefully we will see it by weeks end. It's never less than $30.
I have to say, in my experience, Spruce has been absolutely amazing as far as customer service goes. I had one shipment (over $700 worth) get lost in the USPS dungeon. After a week or two, I called them and they shipped another identical shipment, no additional charge. They just asked that if the first one showed up, to return it.

I got the replacement shipment the next day, and about a month later, my original shipment showed up. They sent me an RMA, so the return cost me nothing.

I've had nothing but great experiences with them. I hope they take care of you.

Kudos to Aircraft Spruce. Checked my email tonight and had one from them with an RMA number, pledge for a full refund and a prepaid shipping label. Good job Spruce! That's why I buy so much from you.
over 350?

Why was there freight on a purchase of over 350?
Thought it was free shipping....
I try to collect items to save shipping....which is what I sure they want too.
Why was there freight on a purchase of over 350?
Thought it was free shipping....
I try to collect items to save shipping....which is what I sure they want too.

I think he was referring to the return shipping.
I think he was referring to the return shipping.

Thanks Mel....I reread it....with that in mind! Makes perfect sense now.
FYI ACS always trys to help if there is a problem, they send me shipping labels. The processing cart items is a new one for sure.
Thankfully they offer "Will Call" for us in Phoenix Metro area - saves on shipping costs.
Same for me. I always keep stuff in the cart waiting to add more. I hate buying $20 worth of hardware and pay their enormous $15 shipping fee. I therefore add stuff for a month until it gets where I think it is worth the shipping. Never had anything auto purchase but also never have any site retain my credit card info.

HAHAHA me too, I had some Champion plugs in there at $34.XX and was investigating tempest, 2 days later the Champs were $39.XX. Tempest won that one.:D

I would hate to know that Safari ordered for me.

BTW someone (Wirejock) mentioned the pay method. I have my credit card saved in my browser. But it was somehow entered with a couple of digits wrong, so I just change the digits before clicking - " confirm" Now I look at that as a safe guard.
Just adding another data point for parts for a flying RV and an RV build project.

For the past year, every time I need a part, I add it to my Aircraft Spruce cart. I let it sit there. When I have an order for a Van's Aircraft part, I check my ACS cart and add it to my Van's order and delete it from my ACS order. I place ACS orders when I have to have it NOW or they have a holiday sale where I get a few percent discount. Every once in a while, I want a size bolt that Van's does not stock and ACS ends up being the easy source for AN hardware.

Has worked great for over a year and NO shipped to me without checking out.
I use the ACS Wish Lists function to keep pending order items and even make one for each aircraft or person. The only draw back I see on the Wish Lists is they show full price and don't reflect dealer price (I have a dealer account). But when the Wish List is loaded into a cart the discount price does show up.

I have never had an ACS cart auto-order. But with all the dependence on electrons "tronning" the right way these days I too will now make sure to keep the cart empty. Thanks for the heads up.

Same happened to me on Tuesday…ordered oil and filter…few mins later I’m getting an email saying my Garmin OAT and parts was shipped. I never order that stuff…they reversed everything but that’s insane that it could self order like that!!