Aircraft Specialty

Well Known Member
There have been many changes over the past 2 years, but one thing remains steadfastly in focus...our commitment to our customers and fellow builders. Tom and I often receive the question... "What is the difference between TS Flightlines and Aircraft Specialty?"

We wanted to address this as well as provide a comprehensive update of what we have been working on, the status of our companies, and what our plans are moving forward. The link below is a PDF detailing a lot of this information. Documents/ASFLIGHTLINES 4-7-20.pdf

We greatly appreciate ALL of you and the rest of the experimental aircraft community and truly look forward to a very exciting future.

We are JUST GETTING STARTED. The energy that you all provide us with is incredible and we look forward to working with all of you as you transform your metal pieces into an incredibly awesome machine.

With sincere gratitude and thanks,

Steven Tschurwald
Aircraft Specialty

Tom Swearengen
TS Flightlines

Tom and Steve - Aircraft Specialty Flightlines
Sounds like you two are on the fast track to bigger and better things.

The hose set that Tom made up for my new project is a work of art.
Just WOW!

Tom, I remember when you were making hoses in a trailer. You have come a long way and it's always great to hear the compliments from all your satisfied customers. When I rebuilt my engine you provided new hoses for oil and fuel using the new integrated fire sleeve. Well worth the slight additional cost and they sure make installation easier with the improved bend radius.

My compliments on your success and wishes for a bright future.
Thanks to you!

Thanks to you guys for what you do. I have your hoses on my older RV-10 and the -14 in build. Everything has fit great no problems at all. I?m a happy camper.
Wow, you guys do have a lot going on. Congrats and thank you for all that you are doing.
Time for new hoses ?

I will bet there are a lot RV?s flying with the rubber core hoses they were built with. I know mine is. I just got the hoses for my new -4 project and they are ARTWORK that will not get stiff or need replacement. Tom is a true pleasure to work with and he is prompt.
Wiggle those old hoses and then give Tom a call 😊
On a side note I think these guys are trying to brain wash us. On the PDF they linked us to , go down to the (1) Introduction paragraph and as you are reading keep your peripheral vision on the red hoses that are arched in the photo. I thought there was something wrong (again) with me as the hoses were dancing as I was reading. I got my wife to give it a try without saying a word and she could not believe her eyes either. It actually bothered her to continue. Any one else see what we are seeing. Sorry for the thread drift but I have never seen anything like this other than on mind game things.
I have been using Aircraft Specialty on at least four projects and never had any issues, great products.
Impressive capabilities there guys. Always happy to work with you and send customers your way. Best to you in the future.
You guys are great. Making all of us excited about hoses is a big accomplishment to begin with, but building a viable manufacturing business these days is even bigger.

I've been flying with your hoses for 7 years with zero issues.

Congrats and best of luck

The link to the PDF above did not work for me. Same with the link to the website.

Hey Ron ---YES you were there in the infancy--lol---nothing fancy but yes a mobile shop. LOL we worked our tails off that day at Kahuna's. Alot of hoses, alot of things and alot of great friends since then. No, this isnt a mutual admiration post, but honestly Steve and I would not be in this position now without Steve, and our clients. Steve provided alot of the motovation to move this to the next levels and without his partnership most of what you see would only exist in my dreams.
Our clients---gee all of you whether its for a RV or not, this all started with RV's so I guess its RV related. Alot of you work on other types of aircraft, some for the space program, some for the largest commercial and military aircraft maufacturers in the world. Whats cool is that in your real jobs, you have mentioned us to your purchasing departments about having us do things for you. Thats cool, and we have been able to work on some pretty cool things.
Honestly, we never want to get big--big enough to grow and service our clients worldwide, but small enough that when you call, you get either Steve or I, or if you email, one of us--or sometimes both of us will respond. On my end, I'm kinda reverting back to the early days that Smokey remembers---doing most all of paper work and office stuff myself. Suzanne handled that for many years until her illness required me to take it back over. She was SOOOO much better and faster at it that I am---she is missed.
But what alot of you dont know is that while it was a trying, stressful time for me, Steve was making sure things moved forward to secure things he and I set up. WE finalized the production shop in Milwaukee, we secured several suppliers of high quality hose, we finalized our own design hose ends that alot of you have been using now for about a year. All of that in addition to adding some pretty cool CNC machines to make accurate parts and assemblies.

The new things that Steve posted about are just a small sample of what we have on our plates. LOL---you would think that there is only so much you can do in the hose business, but it opens doors to alot of other things. All related, but in different markets. So, since I've had quite a bit of time to think and reflect, Ive been working on several other hose related projects that we hope will fill a void in some markets. Because you asked for it, we aim to help provide it.
Steve and I sincerely thank you.

On a side note I think these guys are trying to brain wash us. On the PDF they linked us to , go down to the (1) Introduction paragraph and as you are reading keep your peripheral vision on the red hoses that are arched in the photo. I thought there was something wrong (again) with me as the hoses were dancing as I was reading. I got my wife to give it a try without saying a word and she could not believe her eyes either. It actually bothered her to continue. Any one else see what we are seeing. Sorry for the thread drift but I have never seen anything like this other than on mind game things.
I have been using Aircraft Specialty on at least four projects and never had any issues, great products.

I don't see what you're talking about.
I don't see what you're talking about.

Maybe it was just the two of us having this allusion . If you read the lines just above the photo of the group of red hoses that form a bow , as you read the ends of the hoses appear to be moving . Maybe I'm just going crazy but the wife is coming along with this one.
They're not moving for me either, but then we don't get Big Spruce Tag! You're It! IPA south of the border. Send me a 12 pack and I'll have another look at the hoses. ;);)

Cheers, David
I bought my RV12 a few months ago. The previous owner installed the The RV12 oil line from TS Flightlines. Saturday I took it up for a quick flight to warm things up and then brought it in for an oil change. I took off the cowlings and found one of the oil hoses on the bottom had been burned on the exhaust pipe.

So on Sunday I sent a photo with an email to Aircraft Specialty not expecting to hear from them until Monday or Tuesday. Well within an hour I had an email back from Steve and Monday we spoke on the phone and he took very good care me. He went waaaaay above and beyond in getting this taken care of. The customer care is second to none.

This being my first Aircraft I cant tell you how much I appreciate the help and care.
Looking forward to a great relationship as I construct my first airplane (14A) and plan to deeply utilize the capabilities and products you guys offer for this model. Everything I have read and seen digitally looks amazing.
Recent custom hose installation

I had Tom make these two hoses for the installation of a remote oil filter in my RV-9A recently. I have his hoses in use for all the engine needs. Fuel supply, oil cooler, and now oil filter. Knowing that I have teflon hoses with the best stainless connectors is important to me.!ArInaQRZozE3lcFdoVNTRD7X5-7HFw
Looking forward to a great relationship as I construct my first airplane (14A) and plan to deeply utilize the capabilities and products you guys offer for this model. Everything I have read and seen digitally looks amazing.


Thank you. Tom and I look forward to earning your business. If you have any questions along the way, please feel free to give us a call.

Happy building,