
Well Known Member
I'm planing my first trip to Mexico in March and getting all my "must haves" in order. One thing I wonder about is the security of my aircraft while parked in Ensenada overnight. I spoke to an airport official at the airport and he said I can park overnight there. I have heard "stories" of rampant theft at airports so I'm considering a propeller lock, possibly a throttle lock as well. Does anyone have overnight experience in Ensenada? Has anyone use any of the security devices? I realize I have insurance for a reason but would still like to be thoughtfully prepared.
You could always fly to the San Diego area, rent a car and drive to Ensenada. It might be easier than trying to secure your plane. Just an option.
Just a little food for thought. You can fly your airplane home without most of your electronics which are the most likely items to be stolen. You can't fly your airplane home with the canopy busted out to get access to those electronics. If you lock it make sure you only use enough security to keep an honest person honest.
Just a little food for thought. You can fly your airplane home without most of your electronics which are the most likely items to be stolen. You can't fly your airplane home with the canopy busted out to get access to those electronics. If you lock it make sure you only use enough security to keep an honest person honest.


I have always considered prop locks a horrible idea. They don't stop the engine from being started, they just destroy things when it is.
Your best anti-theft device is something that disables your fuel or ignition system so the plane can be cranked, but will not start.
Having said that, the avionics are the most likely target, and are virtually imposable to secure. A cockpit lock that makes it easier for the culprit to move down to an unlocked plane is a good idea. There are also covers with locking capability where the straps can be supplemented with a cable/lock.
I think the only value airplanes have down south is anonymity and their ability to haul massive loads of drugs - They are "expendable". An RV probably doesn't have much to worry about.

An Aztec or a C210 OTOH...
I would worry more about my own safety than that of the plane. I have friends from Mexico who no longer go home for Christmas because of their fear for their safety in their home country
I would worry more about my own safety than that of the plane. I have friends from Mexico who no longer go home for Christmas because of their fear for their safety in their home country

We must have the same friends...

We've flown the RV to some pretty far away places, but Mexico, no thanks.
In response to the negative comments of visiting Mexico, I go because for 20 years I have enjoyed the hospitality of a beautiful land and people and want to do this finally in my own aircraft. Additionally, I am joining a group called Flying Samaritans where I can do some good with my medical degree and airplane rather than just fly for an expensive hamburger. But, thanks for sharing your concerns.....
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Good job not paying too much attention to those making gross overgeneralizations, David. I’ll be curious to follow your experience, hopefully in the near future. From our family’s experience, the vast majority of places in Mexico are great, welcoming places and the vast majority of Mexicans are great, welcoming people!

Staying tuned.
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I asked my friend in Sonora MX about safety before we went. His answer was if you read the paper you would not go to Chicago. We even took our guns as we were hunting down there. We had a great time no problems.

But if you are going with a group you could collectively hire a guard for all the aircraft. Its pretty cheap insurance.
Good job not paying too much attention to those making gross overgeneralizations, David. I?ll be curious to follow your experience, hopefully in the near future. From our family?s experience, the vast majority of places in Mexico are great, welcoming places and the vast majority of Mexicans are great, welcoming people!

Staying tuned.

My post is based on 40 years in LE. One doesn?t need to look to far to see the odds are changing. Crime, in this case homocides, have steadily moved from the backstreets of Mexican towns to their prized resort areas. Resort towns are becoming the favorite hunting grounds for both criminals and terrorists alike these days.

Why put ones family or friends in jeopardy is a question one should be asking, especially when there are safer destinations to explore both in and out of our country.

Just one example, https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-warns-cancun-travelers-rise-173954315.html

There are, sadly, many many more, as of late.