
Well Known Member
I'm working on submitting the registration of my airplane. I have a copy of EAA's guide, which is a few years old but seems pretty current. I received in the mail today the Form 8050-1 which needs to be filled out and the white copy sent in with the pink copy retained. So far so good. The first line of instructions on the form say "Prepare this form in duplicate". They mailed me two copies of the form. Do I fill out both copies of the form and mail in two copies of the white form? My inkling says one form is enough and that it is prepared in duplicate, i.e., the white and pink copies, but I'm not one to try and guess what government forms really mean.
Did it March

I filled out both, kept one pink.

But -- when they sent mine back for a correction, they only sent one white.

So, I guess they throw away one is they get them and the extra one is in case you discover your own mistake before you send it in.

Mine went through on the second try :) It got rejected because my "Title" did not match the allowed "Titles" of an LLC.

All paperwork must be filled out last name first then first name and initial. Registration owners name format must exactly match aircraft data plate.
After you get your registration, double check it.
I went through all the hoops.
Building an 8a.

When I got my registration, it showed the model as a 10.
After I waited 30 minutes to talk with someone, they pulled my paperwork which listed my plane as an 8a. and.... FAA "oops, I guess we entered the wrong code when we processed you.

Glad I caught it before a DAR inspection.
All paperwork must be filled out last name first then first name and initial. Registration owners name format must exactly match aircraft data plate.

Funnily enough, when I got my registration back from the FAA, it showed (for manufacturer and manufacturer's designation)
First name Middle initial Last Name - RV-7A

The data plate, by the way, need only contain the Manufacturer and Designation, and Serial Number. Not "owner". So it could easily only have "Van's RV-7A #XXX", no owner or builder name anywhere on it. (Edited to fix erroneous inclusion of N-number...Mel is right, not required).
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The data plate, by the way, need only contain the N-Number Manufacturer and Designation, and Serial Number. Not "owner". So it could easily only have "N12345 Van's RV-7A #XXX", no owner or builder name anywhere on it.

I think he's assuming initial registration in which case the manufacturer is the builder, LAST FIRST MI as he indicated. Van's did not manufacture the plane, they sold the designs and parts.

I used Aero Title in Ok ( Jacinda Jones ), I overnighted the package to them on Monday had a Registration on Wednesday . They walk it thru the FAA for $65 .
Money well spent .
To clear up any misunderstanding, the data plate must contain:

Make (builder)
Serial Number

All information must match the registration.

Any other information is optional.
I think he's assuming initial registration in which case the manufacturer is the builder, LAST FIRST MI as he indicated. Van's did not manufacture the plane, they sold the designs and parts.

Yep, form 8050-1, the box "Aircraft Manufacturer and Model". It's been a while, but I think there's more leeway here (although most just use their name as it is everywhere else in all the forms). I know you can call it whatever model you want, and you can use whatever you want for the serial number (as long as it's unique to a given "manufacturer". Not sure what the rules are on the Manufacturer field...I suppose I could use "Joe Schmoe Airplane Builders" or "XYZ Kitplanes", no? In addition to the more usual Last, First Middle (and apparently, First Middle Last if the FAA decides to issue the registration that way :) ).
FAA Order 8130.2H Section 801.b.(1)(b)

(b) #2 Aircraft Builder’s Name (Make). The name of the builder or manufacturer as it appears on the aircraft ID plate in accordance with § 45.13(a)(1) is entered.

1 For amateur-built aircraft, the aircraft make is the name of the builder. Only the name of the individual listed first on the aircraft ID plate is entered.
FAA Order 8130.2H Section 801.b.(1)(b)

(b) #2 Aircraft Builder?s Name (Make). The name of the builder or manufacturer as it appears on the aircraft ID plate in accordance with ? 45.13(a)(1) is entered.

1 For amateur-built aircraft, the aircraft make is the name of the builder. Only the name of the individual listed first on the aircraft ID plate is entered.

Then how do you get entries in the FAA database like these under "Manufacturer Name" ? (just a few of many examples)

VANS AIRCRAFT (Many entries, not in Oregon :) )

or these, for example (all RV-7As, just to get a sample)


and so on?
I didn't say everybody follows the rules.

I would say that when I work on an already certificated amateur-built aircraft, I find incorrect paperwork at least 30% of the time.
Just be sure to "print or type" on the form. And if you make a mistake, striking a line through and initialing the correction won't do. So to be on the safe side, maybe get a couple extra 8050-1 forms. It took me 3 tries to finally get it right. On a positive note; I was given a 90 day extension on the temporary registration.
FAA Order 8130.2H Section 801.b.(1)(b)

(b) #2 Aircraft Builder?s Name (Make). The name of the builder or manufacturer as it appears on the aircraft ID plate in accordance with ? 45.13(a)(1) is entered.

1 For amateur-built aircraft, the aircraft make is the name of the builder. Only the name of the individual listed first on the aircraft ID plate is entered.

BTW, this paragraph applies to form 8130-6, not 8050-1. IIRC, the order is: file 8050-1, get the registration, fill out 8130-6 (with all fields matching the registration), and submit that, right?

So if one filed an 8050-1 with ABC Corp, and the registration came back with ABC Corp RV-7A s/n 1, e.g., then 8130-6 has to match that precisely...right?

I love government paperwork... :)
Just another thing my original builder did it right I guess.

Also, I don't think the serial number can be "anything" I thought I read somewhere the serial number comes along with the kit and has some meaning in it's linkage to the registration/certification process.

Others here will have plenty of detail on that :) but that's my limited understanding.
Just another thing my original builder did it right I guess.

Also, I don't think the serial number can be "anything" I thought I read somewhere the serial number comes along with the kit and has some meaning in it's linkage to the registration/certification process.

Others here will have plenty of detail on that :) but that's my limited understanding.

No, it can be anything you want (as long as it's unique to a particular manufacturer/model). You don't have to use the serial number that Van's assigns to a kit.

Mine is serial #1.

You can use any combination of letters and numbers you want.
My serial number is 92006. 92 because I thought I would be finished in 1992 and 006 because it's the 6th aircraft Ann & I completed.

The FAA would prefer you use the assigned kit number because it relates to the bill of sale, but it's not mandatory.
For those guys sending in their re registration paperwork with an address change, how long is it taking them to return the new registration?
For those guys sending in their re registration paperwork with an address change, how long is it taking them to return the new registration?

We sent in a change to a registration on a project (changing some names) in January, and it took about 6 weeks to get it back.
Ten day turnaround for new registration. Sent documents in on the 29th, hard copy original in hand yesterday! Man, now I need to kick it in gear to get done!!!!

Phil Barnette
RV-10, finishing
Salt Lake City
When the FAA gets the registration from you, does that start the clock for when you need to pay your, county-state the sales tax, user fee, or what ever they call it that day? and is it for the county the aircraft is hanger or owner address?
When the FAA gets the registration from you, does that start the clock for when you need to pay your, county-state the sales tax, user fee, or what ever they call it that day? and is it for the county the aircraft is hanger or owner address?

I believe you become "vulnerable" to your taxing authority once the registration is complete and becomes public record. As to when you actually need to pay and what taxes are due once you hit that point totally depends on the State and locality where the aircraft is hangared/tied down.
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My understanding is that it's the physical location of the plane.

I'm expecting Utah tax due this year- will pay the sales tax for the out of state purchases of airframe, engine, prop, avionics when I file state taxes this year. ....

Phil Barnette
When the FAA gets the registration from you, does that start the clock for when you need to pay your, county-state the sales tax, user fee, or what ever they call it that day? and is it for the county the aircraft is hanger or owner address?

Property tax. Yes, based on where the aircraft is based. No, it's not an airplane until it has an A/W certificate. Until then, it's a collection of metal parts (i.e., don't pay property taxes just because you have a registration).
So to understand what will happen, did you just stroll into the county office with a bag of cash and say here ya go, this should cover it, yes?-no?, or did you wait for the governmental chain of events catch up with you? what paperwork is required? and who gets what?
Property tax. Yes, based on where the aircraft is based. No, it's not an airplane until it has an A/W certificate. Until then, it's a collection of metal parts (i.e., don't pay property taxes just because you have a registration).

The big kicker isn't usually the property tax but is the Sales Tax equivalent ("Use Tax" in AZ) on all of the stuff you bought on-line from out of state... :(
The big kicker isn't usually the property tax but is the Sales Tax equivalent ("Use Tax" in AZ) on all of the stuff you bought on-line from out of state... :(

Not sure if I kept all those receipts......or did I?
Nevada Experience

Our partner registered the Tundra project on the advice of a visiting FSDO guy about six years ago. Bad advice. First he keeps having to fight off Lyon County every year and tell them that no, it is not a flying airplane, it is just a pile of parts that happen to look much like an airplane. So far, that has worked.

Second, if for some reason the project gets sold before it gets its inspection and airworthiness certificate, it willo be forever named what it was originally named when registered - whether you like that or not. I'd say to send in the registration a few months before you are ready for inspection, and not before.

Oh - Lyon County found ME and my aircraft when I moved here - no need to go to the courthouse.
So to understand what will happen, did you just stroll into the county office with a bag of cash and say here ya go, this should cover it, yes?-no?, or did you wait for the governmental chain of events catch up with you? what paperwork is required? and who gets what?

Here in Florida, there's a form we have to fill out to declare the cost of items purchased out of state. IIRC, we have 90 days from date of purchase to do that and pay Use Tax on that amount otherwise we incur a pretty hefty penalty. I kept copies of those forms. Soon after registration, they sent me a demand for payment of the Use Tax and I just sent them copies of what I'd previously submitted. Turns out I'd made an error and underpaid by something like $75 (out of several thousand) and I had to pay a penalty for that. I'm REALLY glad I didn't delay paying as I went along.

All states are different. You should go to your state's taxation web page to see what your requirements are.
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