
Active Member
I just bought a flying RV-12. Can someone tell me if form 8050-2 (the Bill-of-Sale signed by the seller) is the ONLY form I have to send the FAA to get the registration in my name - or do I have to also submit a form 8050-1?
Congrats on your new bird! I did the same a little under a year ago. Unless I am remembering wrong, we had to send both the bill of sale 8050-2 and the registration application 8050-1. Make sure you AND any co-owners (wife in my case) have both printed and signed names on the registration form, and that the printed names and signatures match exactly, AND that you include a "title" (like "Owner") on EACH line. We got ours back for correction about a month after sending them because we did not print a title next to my wife's name.
You might also want to notify Van's Aircraft that you are the new owner so you get update information. Oh, and re-register the 406 ELT in your name so the satellite folks know who to call in case of mishap...
Another thing... check expiration of transponder certification - it may run out prior to next condition inspection.
Congrats on your new bird! I did the same a little under a year ago. Unless I am remembering wrong, we had to send both the bill of sale 8050-2 and the registration application 8050-1. Make sure you AND any co-owners (wife in my case) have both printed and signed names on the registration form, and that the printed names and signatures match exactly, AND that you include a "title" (like "Owner") on EACH line. We got ours back for correction about a month after sending them because we did not print a title next to my wife's name.
Thanks for your response DaleB.
Did you also have to send in the current Certificate of Registration showing that it was sold to you? This is that card that has to be in the aircraft.
New Registration

Yes--Send in the current registration.
Photo-Copy it and keep the photo-copy.
Photo-Copy (Color) of your current -1 application and keep both in the aircraft until you are mailed the new paperwork.

Both the bill of sale and the new registration form must go in. I believe if you send them together it's five dollars but separately it's five dollars each. You do not need to send in the current white card registration that is in the airplane. Just replace it when they send you the new one. I just did this on my 7A and all went well.