Flap position ind.

We found the perfect place for the RV-10 pos. sensor, is screwed/riveted to the side of the fuselage, outside of cabin, in the wing root area. With a little trial and error, you can find the perfect moment arm on the arm at the end of the flap actuator torque tube, to give full travel on arm vs. sensor. A short piece of "Z" bent piano wire suffices for the push rod from arm to sensor.
IMHO though, the flap is RIGHT THERE, so the seperate indicator is relatively redundant.
RV-10 Flap position sensor ( Ray Allen)

I installed the position sensor in the middle tunnel connnected to a small acutator arm attached to the flap actuator tube using one of the AN-3 bolts. I also used a piece of stiff wire to connect the small arm to the position sensor. The tube goes through about 80 degrees of travel and you have to correlate this to 1.2 inches of linear travel of the sensor.
Pictures of installation.

Could you guys either post pictures of your installations or send them to me?
AndrewTR30 at yahoo dot com
