
When returning from the AOPA Camarillo Fly-In 3 weeks ago, I was stumped by ATC when requesting flight following. I called up with the usual information they need and after acknowledging my request and assigning my squawk code, ATC asked for my equipment code. I asked him to say again, twice, as I had no idea what he was asking me. Finally in desperation I admitted to him that I had no idea what he was asking.

I've since looked it up on line, but now I'm not sure whether I'm a /U or /A. My 12 is equipped with Dynon-180 EFIS, EGT, Garmin SL-40 Com, Garmin 496 GPS, Garmin GTX-327 Transponder, 406 ELT. I also have Foreflight on my iPad on a ram mount on the dash.

I only fly VFR day and always pre-plan my cross country flights on Foreflight and use ATC for flight following whenever I'm doing anything but local air work.

What should have my response to ATC been?
Foreflight holds your answers

Without making you delve into the FARs or AIM, I suggest you open up Foreflight and look at your aircraft setup menu. The first item under "Equipment" is the FAA/Domestic Equipment menu. Click the right arrow to open up all the possible choices.

/A is DME with Mode C
/U is no DME, but with Mode C
There are 19 choices there. Peruse them, pick the one that best applies, and make it the Foreflight default for your airplane.
Tell them you have a VFR GPS. I's not "Golf", but they will treat you as if it was and allow you to navigate direct to fixes.