
Is there anyone using the Airchart system? They issue the plates and charts once a year and update with a notam like sheet on the 28 day cycle. Then as part of a trip prep you check the notam for chart changes and approach changes for your route.

I like the concept and the price but I wonder how easy it would be to brief the changes to an approach if you need to divert to an airport that you didn't expect to go to?

Thanks for the input.

I use the VFR charts. Perfect for an RV. I suppose the IFR product is well done too.
I've been using their IFR charts and the VFR (WAC) Atlas for probably ten years now - works really great. You would be surprised how few changes occur in the period of a year in the National Airspace System - they fit on just a couple of pages. It's very easy to look up the changes for a specific airport if you have to divert.

I went to their system to avoid having to guess what charts I was going to need, and then throwing away so many books in a year. That said - I still find myself throwing away a ton of unopened plate books at the end of a year, so this year I am going to try going electronic, downloading all the charts at the start of the Air Charts year, and buying just the Low Altitude and WAC atlases, plus getting their updating service. It will hopefully save some trees and cut down on waste. I find that when i am planning a trip, I generally print out the plates for the places I am likely to land anyway - and I'll use the electronic ones in the cockpit if I divert somewhere other than planned.

Paul: Thanks for your post. I've used the AirCharts for about a year after 30 years of Jeppesen -finally got tired of revising the whole USA after all those years. The atlas works great in the big Lance cabin, but how is it in the relatively confined RV-8 cockpit? Where do you stow the atlas? Would appreciate your thoughts and experience. Bill
Paul: Thanks for your post. I've used the AirCharts for about a year after 30 years of Jeppesen -finally got tired of revising the whole USA after all those years. The atlas works great in the big Lance cabin, but how is it in the relatively confined RV-8 cockpit? Where do you stow the atlas? Would appreciate your thoughts and experience. Bill

Once you fold it over on itself, it fits fine - when I am using it, I open it up on itself, then stow it in the passenger foot well, bent into a "U" shape. Both the VFR and IFR Atlases stow very well together beside the passenger seat when not in use.
