
Well Known Member
I have several items for sale that I want to take to the fly-mart. Does anyone have any info on how it works and if is worth it? I have several years of accumulated parts from Cessna to RV items. Cessna wheel pants, RV spinner, fuel valves, air vents, crimpers, firewall oil cooler plenum, push pull cables, and much more. I will post the RV items to our group for first pick naturally.
I think you need to buy booth space for the week. It might not be worth it for a few items.

You buy a tag for each item, and if it sells, you pay a commission. There's lots of junk there along with the good stuff, and the serious shoppers arrive as soon as the fly mart opens. If you put your stuff in late, good luck on getting a buyer.

Unfortunately, stuff does walk away. I forget what it was, but I did lose an item worth several hundred dollars last year. These things happen...
We took an item 3 years ago to sell in the Aeromart and it did sell, they mailed us a check for it in October.... I wouldn't do it again.
YMMV but, that was our experience....Mike
Years ago it seemed to be a bargain hunters paradise, I bought lots of stuff there. Recently however it seems to be poorly run and disorganized, in fact I no longer even bother to visit it.
Last year I sold a set of cylinders and some other small items and had generally good luck with it. I did have a small item stolen, but I don't really fault the folks who run it. I would do it again if I had things to sell.
Air venture Fly-mart

You also need to be there at the end of the week to retrieve your items if they don't sell.

I had ten items last year, 7 items sold quickly. I had to leave on the Thursday, I took a chance and left them hoping they would sell. They did not, so it was a donation to the cause.
